内容简介:You can change the whole look of the template just changing values in src/config/config.js
YourPortfolio is a readymade react portfolio template that could be used to develop portfolio sites in minutes just changing values of config.js.
How To Use
You can change the whole look of the template just changing values in src/config/config.js
export const configuration = { Navbar:{ NavbarTitle:'Valeed Anjum', NabarOptions:['portfolio','about','contact'] }, Masthead:{ MastheadTitle:'Valeed Anjum Siddiqui', Labels:['seo expert','react developer','freelancer'] }, Portfolio:{ PortfolioTitle:'my work', PortfolioItems:[ {image:'img/portfolio/cabin.png',name:'cabin',des:'des cabin'}, {image:'img/portfolio/cake.png',name:'cake',des:'des cake'}, {image:'img/portfolio/circus.png',name:'circus',des:'des circus'}, {image:'img/portfolio/game.png',name:'game',des:'des game'}, {image:'img/portfolio/safe.png',name:'safe',des:'des safe'}, {image:'img/portfolio/submarine.png',name:'submaribe',des:'des submaribe'}, ] }, About:{ AboutTitle:'About ok', AboutMe1Sec:`Freelancer is a free bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap. The download includes the complete source files including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as optional SASS stylesheets for easy customization.`, AboutMe2Sec:`You can create your own custom avatar for the masthead, change the icon in the dividers, and add your email address to the contact form to make it fully functional!`, ButtonName:'Download !', ButtonIconFontAwesome:'fas fa-download mr-2', ButtonSite:'https://github.com/ValeedAnjum/yourportfolio' }, Footer:{ section1:{ title:'Location', address1:'Siddiqui House', address2:'Mohalla Gharibabad' }, section2:{ title:'Around the Web', facebook:'https://web.facebook.com/valeed.anjum.1', twitter:'https://twitter.com/ValeedAnjum2', dribbble:'https://www.linkedin.com', linkedin:'https://dribbble.com' }, section3:{ title:'yourportfolio', description:'YOURPORTFOLIO is free to use, MIT licensed theme created by Valeed Anjum.' } } }
git clone https://github.com/ValeedAnjum/yourportfolio.git run "npm install" command in project directory
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
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