内容简介:A (reduced) Pascal compiler in Haskell that compiles to LLVMOnce the executable is built, it can be used to compile Pascal source files to llvm-ir, or internal IR used by the compiler:The compiler is complemented with the
A (reduced) Pascal compiler in Haskell that compiles to LLVM
- Declarations: var, type (aliases)
- Types: integer, boolean, string, char, real
- Control Flow: if, while, for
- Functions/Procedures
- Pass by reference
- Basic Typecasting
- Nested Functions/Procedures (Not finished yet)
- I/O: Write/Writeln
Once the executable is built, it can be used to compile Pascal source files to llvm-ir, or internal IR used by the compiler:
paskell -c src
compile to llvm-ir
paskell -c src dest
compile to llvm-ir and save in dest
paskell -ir src
produce internal IR
paskell -x src
execute pascal source. Equivalent to paskell -c src | lli
paskell -h
(for help)
The compiler is complemented with the llvm
$ paskell -c fib.pas fib.ll
Since the output is llvm-ir, we can leverage the many tools LLVM provide to:
execute it using the llvm interpreter
$ lli fib.ll
convert it to bitcode llvm assembly (.bc)
$ llvm-as fib.ll -o fib.bc
optimize the code using various settings, for example
$ opt -mem2reg fib.bc
translate it to a native assembly executable of a specific architecture (x86, ARM, etc)
$ llc -march=x86-64 fib.bc -o fib.s
- link many modules into one program
With docker
$ make bash
to build the compiler and launch a shell session where the compiler and llvm utitlies are in $PATH
and ready out-of-the-box.
$ make build
will build the same image tagged paskell
which can be used with docker run
and volumes.
For example:
$ docker run -v /path/to/original_file.pas:/path/to/file.pas paskell paskell -c /path/to/file.pas
Without docker
You need to have llvm installed
$ sudo apt-get install llvm-5.0
should be in $PATH
to be able to execute Pascal programs
Then, you can use Cabal or Stack.
To build using Cabal:
$ cd Paskell/ $ cabal install -j
this will install all dependencies and produce an executable in dist/build/Paskell/
You can also build using Stack.
$ make test
to run the test suite using docker.
This is a 4-pass compiler:
pass 1: lex/parsing
pass 2: type checking
pass 3: constructing IR: type-annotation, type resolution, (future: identifier-renaming, nested-function extraction)
pass 4: code generation
finish nested functions/procedures:
this only requires pulling nested functions to global scope
and renaming them during the type-annotation pass - constants: trivial to implement
- Read/Readln IO statements
- records
- arrays
- case statements
- forward declaration
Bug reports, added features, etc are welcome
- Language grammar
- Stephen Diehl's Haskell llvm-tutorial
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
[美] Elizabeth Castro、[美] Bruce Hyslop / 望以文 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-5 / 69.00元
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