内容简介:We added basic Dotty support in the IntelliJ Scala plugin a long time ago, right after the announcement of Dotty. However, for a long time Dotty has been a dark horse, and aiming at a moving target hadn’t been easy. So it was reasonable to put that task on
We added basic Dotty support in the IntelliJ Scala plugin a long time ago, right after the announcement of Dotty. However, for a long time Dotty has been a dark horse, and aiming at a moving target hadn’t been easy. So it was reasonable to put that task on the back-burner and focus on Scala 2 for a while. Now that Dotty is finally destined to become Scala 3 and the language features are getting more stable, we have started to work on a full-fledged Scala 3 support.
The 2020.1 Scala plugin nightly builds now include preliminary support of Scala 3: the new syntax (by the way, we had to adjust that “given” thing several times already), error highlighting, navigation, type info, and many other bread-and-butter IDE features. Although the functionality is already usable, it is still “in beta” – some bumps here and there are expected. We depend on your feedback to smooth the rough edges and make Scala 3 support as good as Scala 2 one (and possibly even better, because, just as Dotty, we now have a lot of experience to rely on).
Trying the nightly builds is easy:
- Download IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1 EAP (you may also do that via Settings | Appearance | System | Updates ).
- Open Settings | Languages | Scala | Updates.
Select Nightly
plugin update channel and press Check for updates.
(You can always select EAP or Release to revert to a more stable build; alternatively, you can download any Scala plugin build from thePlugin Repository)
If you haven’t yet tried Dotty, now is as good time as ever – clone the Dotty example project and open it in IntelliJ IDEA. Your feedback is very welcome, as always. Feel free to ask any questions in intellij-scala Gitter channel . Report any bugs toYouTrack.
IntelliJ Scala plugin team
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艾伦 A. A. 多诺万 / 李道兵、高博、庞向才、金鑫鑫、林齐斌 / 机械工业出版社 / 2017-5 / 79
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