For a while, the Golem community moderators have begin looking at alternatives to the current Golem Rocket Chat (previously hosted at ) and a decision has been made to migrate to Discord. The reasoning behind this is a combination of factors; because we've had a number of issues with the public chat in the past (e.g. community members getting locked out), we feel it'll be a better experience for our community and that discord is quite popular as a public chat platform in the wider crypto-space. Overall, we feel it’s a positive step towards helping our community grow.
The chat link will redirect to the Discord chat invite as of now. It will still be possible to login, access and write in the old Rocket chat for one week at . After one week, the public Rocket Chat will be put to Read-Only and archived.
If you have any more questions or need help getting started with Discord, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thanks for reading!
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周鸿祎、范海涛 / 北京联合出版公司 / 2017-11 / 49.80元
周鸿祎,一个在中国互联网历史上举足轻重的名字。他被认为是奠定当今中国互联网格局的人之一。 作为第一代互联网人,中国互联网行业最好的产品经理、创业者,他每时每刻都以自己的实践,为互联网的发展贡献自己的力量。 在很长一段时间内,他没有在公共场合发声,甚至有粉丝对当前死水一潭的互联网现状不满意,发出了“人民想念周鸿祎”的呼声。 但周鸿祎在小时候,却是一个踢天弄井,动不动就大闹天宫的超级......一起来看看 《颠覆者:周鸿祎自传》 这本书的介绍吧!