内容简介:Once you provide the project name and location. A new window will be opened as follows, Select
In this article, we’ll implement Asp.Net Core 3.0 Web API CRUD Operations with Angular 9 . To demonstrate the topic, we’ll build a project from scratch with payment details like Credit/ Debit Card.
Sub-topics discussed.
- ASP.NET Core Web API
- Create .Net Core Web API
- Setup Database with EF Core
- API Controller for CRUD Web Methods
- Angular Client Side
- Create Angular 9 Project
- Consume ASP.NET Core API From Anguar
- Form Design and Validation
- Insert/ Create Record by Form Submission
- Retrive and Display Inserted Records
- Update and Delete Operation
Create ASP.NET Core Web API
In Visual Studio 2019, Go to File > New > Project (Ctrl + Shift + N).
From New Project window, Select Asp.Net Core Web Application.
Once you provide the project name and location. A new window will be opened as follows, Select API and Uncheck HTTPS Configuration . Above steps will create a brand new ASP.NET Core Web API project.
Setup Database
Let’s create a Database for this project. Inside this project, we’ll be using Entity Framework Core to do DB Operations. So first of all we’ve to install corresponding NuGet packages. Right click on Project Name from Solution Explorer , Click on Manage NuGet Packages, In Browse Tab – install following 3 packages.
Now, let’s define DB model class file (/Models/PaymentDetail.cs) in a new folder – Models.
public class PaymentDetail { [Key] public int PMId { get; set; } [Required] [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar(100)")] public string CardOwnerName { get; set; } [Required] [Column(TypeName = "varchar(16)")] public string CardNumber { get; set; } [Required] [Column(TypeName = "varchar(5)")] public string ExpirationDate { get; set; } [Required] [Column(TypeName = "varchar(3)")] public string CVV { get; set; } }
Now let’s define DbContext class file- / Models/PaymentDetailContext.cs .
public class PaymentDetailContext : DbContext { public PaymentDetailContext(DbContextOptions<PaymentDetailContext> options):base(options) { } public DbSet<PaymentDetail> PaymentDetails { get; set; } }
DbContext Class- PaymentDetailContext decides what should be added to actual physical DB during DB Migration. So we have added DbSet property for PaymentDetail Model class, after migration PaymentDetails table will be created in SQL Server Database.
Into this model class constructor parameter- options , we have to pass which DbProvider (SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) to use and corresponding connection string also. For that we’ll be using Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core with Startup.cs file as follows.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { ... services.AddDbContext<PaymentDetailContext>(optionns => optionns.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DevConnection"))); }
Here we’ve used Dependency Injection for DbContext class, by passing SQL Server as a DbProvider with Connection String, Now let’s save connections in appsettings.json file using DevConnection key as follows.
{ .... "ConnectionStrings": { "DevConnection": "Server=(local)\\sqlexpress;Database=PaymentDetailDB;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" } }
We’ve done everything for Database, Now let’s do the migration. For that select project from solution explorer, then go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. then execute following commands one by one.
Add-Migration "InitialCreate" Update-Database
After successful migration, As per the connection string, new Database – PaymentDetailDB will be created with PaymentDetails table. Also there will be new Migrations folder in Solution Folder with corresponding C# files.
Create API Controller for CRUD Operations
To create a new API Controller, right click on Controllers folder Add > Controller, Select API Controller with actions, using Entity Framework. then we can create PaymentDetailController for CRUD operations.
With the help of Scaffolding Mechanism, new controller will be created.
[Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class PaymentDetailController : ControllerBase { private readonly PaymentDetailContext _context; public PaymentDetailController(PaymentDetailContext context) { _context = context; } // GET: api/PaymentDetail [HttpGet] public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<PaymentDetail>>> GetPaymentDetails() { ... } // GET: api/PaymentDetail/5 [HttpGet("{id}")] public async Task<ActionResult<PaymentDetail>> GetPaymentDetail(int id) { ... } // PUT: api/PaymentDetail/5 [HttpPut("{id}")] public async Task<IActionResult> PutPaymentDetail(int id, PaymentDetail paymentDetail) { ... } // POST: api/PaymentDetail [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult<PaymentDetail>> PostPaymentDetail(PaymentDetail paymentDetail) { ... } // DELETE: api/PaymentDetail/5 [HttpDelete("{id}")] public async Task<ActionResult<PaymentDetail>> DeletePaymentDetail(int id) { ... } private bool PaymentDetailExists(int id) { ... } }
It contains web methods POST, GET, PUT and DELETE for Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete operations respectively. As a constructor parameter we’ve context of the type PaymentDetailContext. the instance/value for this parameter will be passed from Dependency Injection in StartUp class.
For this project, we don’t have to change anything in web methods. You can test any of the CRUD operations using softwares like postman . Web methods with corresponding URL is given below.
GET | /api/PaymentDetail/ | Retrieve all records |
GET | /api/PaymentDetail/id | Retrieve a record with given id |
POST | /api/PaymentDetail/ | Insert/ Create a new record |
PUT | /api/PaymentDetail/id | Update a record with given id |
DELETE | /api/PaymentDetail/id | Delete a record with given id |
Create Anguar App
Now let’s create front-end client-side app in Angular 9. For that execute following Angular-CLI command.
ng new app_name //after project creation. //navigate inside project folder cd app_name //open in vs code code . //from vs code terminal //command to open the app in default web browser ng serve --o
Before moving forward, let’s look at the structure of the app that we want to build.
● src +---● app | +--● payment-details | | |--payment-details.component.ts|.html|.css | | +--● payment-detail | | | |--payment-detail.component.ts|.html|.css | | | | | +--● payment-detail-list | | | |--payment-detail-list.component.ts|.html|.css | | | | | +--● shared | | |--payment-detail.service.ts | | |--payment-detail.model.ts | | | |--app.module.ts | |--index.html (cdn path for bootstrap & fa icons)
As parent component, we’ve payment-details. it has two child components
- payment-detail (Form design and related operations – insert and update)
- payment-detail-list (Retrieve and display existing records )
to create these 3 component, you can execute following commands.
//parent component ng g c payment-details -s --skipTests //child components ng g c payment-details/payment-detail -s --skipTests ng g c payment-details/payment-detail-list -s --skipTests
options –inlineStyle(Aliase : -s) and –skipTests are used to skip seperate style sheet and test(extension – .spec.ts) files respectively.
now let’s replace the default component html(app.component.html) as follows.
<div> <app-payment-details></app-payment-details> </div>
to show child components side by side update parent component html as below. -payment-details.component.html
<div> <h1>Payment Detail Register</h1> <hr> <div> <div> <app-payment-detail></app-payment-detail> </div> <div> <app-payment-detail-list></app-payment-detail-list> </div> </div> </div>
For this app developement, we’ll be using Bootstrap and Font Awesome Icons. so let’s add their stylesheet reference in index.html .
<head> ... <link rel="preload" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.2.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'" integrity="sha384-GJzZqFGwb1QTTN6wy59ffF1BuGJpLSa9DkKMp0DgiMDm4iYMj70gZWKYbI706tWS" crossorigin="anonymous"> <link rel="preload" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.6.3/css/all.css" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'" integrity="sha384-UHRtZLI+pbxtHCWp1t77Bi1L4ZtiqrqD80Kn4Z8NTSRyMA2Fd33n5dQ8lWUE00s/" crossorigin="anonymous"> </head> ...
I’ve few custom CSS to add in global style sheet – styles.css.
input.ng-touched.ng-invalid{ border-color: #dc3545; } input.ng-valid{ border-color: #28a745; } .green-icon{ color: #28a745; } .red-icon{ color: #dc3545; } #toast-container > div { opacity:1; } table tr:hover{ cursor: pointer; }
How to Consume .Net Core API from Angular
first of let’s create model class for PaymentDetails – shared/payment-detail.model.ts. Y ou could manually create the file or execute following CLI command
ng g class shared/payment-detail --type=model --skipTests //there is no seperat command for model //hence we use class creation command with type option //type is used to name the file like '.model.ts'
Update the model class with corresponding properties similar to .Net Core API model properties to avoid conflicts.
export class PaymentDetail { PMId :number; CardOwnerName: string; CardNumber: string; ExpirationDate: string; CVV: string; }
Now let’s create a service class to interact with ASP.NET Core Web API. shared/payment-detail.service.ts. Here is the CLI command to create the service class.
ng g s shared/payment-detail -skipTests
Update the service class as below.
import { PaymentDetail } from './payment-detail.model'; import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http"; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class PaymentDetailService { formData: PaymentDetail; readonly rootURL = 'http://localhost:65067/api'; list : PaymentDetail[]; constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } postPaymentDetail() { return this.http.post(this.rootURL + '/PaymentDetail', this.formData); } putPaymentDetail() { return this.http.put(this.rootURL + '/PaymentDetail/'+ this.formData.PMId, this.formData); } deletePaymentDetail(id) { return this.http.delete(this.rootURL + '/PaymentDetail/'+ id); } refreshList(){ this.http.get(this.rootURL + '/PaymentDetail') .toPromise() .then(res => this.list = res as PaymentDetail[]); } }
formData property can be used to design the form for CRUD Operations, list array is used to store all of the retrieved records from the API. rootUrl contains the base URL of the Web API. You’ve to run the API from Visual Studio – Debug > Start Debugging(F5). HttpClient is used to make Http Request to the server. Along with methods for CRUD operations, we’ve refreshList function to populate existing records into list property.
This service class must be injected at root level, that’s why it has Injectable decorator with providedIn as root. to inject this class at root level and to use HttpClient, we also need to import HttpClientModule. So update app/app.module.ts as follows.
... import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'; import { PaymentDetailService } from './shared/payment-detail.service'; @NgModule({ ... imports: [HttpClientModule, ...], providers: [PaymentDetailService], ... })
Form Design and Validation
Now let’s design the form in payment-detail component. first of all we’ve to inject the service class.
import { PaymentDetailService } from './../../shared/payment-detail.service'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'app-payment-detail', templateUrl: './payment-detail.component.html', styles: [] }) export class PaymentDetailComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private service: PaymentDetailService) { } ngOnInit() { this.resetForm(); } resetForm(form?: NgForm) { if (form != null) form.form.reset(); this.service.formData = { PMId: 0, CardOwnerName: '', CardNumber: '', ExpirationDate: '', CVV: '' } } }
Since we’ve the service injected here. we can access the service property formData to design the form. function resetForm can be used to initialize model property or reset form based on parameter form. Inside ngOnInit life-cycle event, we’ve called the function to initialize the model property.
first of all, we’ve to import FormsModule in app/ app.module.ts.
... import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; @NgModule({ ... imports: [FormsModule, ...], ... })
Now let’s design the form. so update payment-detail.component.html as shown below.
<form #form="ngForm" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="PMId" [value]="service.formData.PMId"> <div> <div> <div> <div> <i [class.green-icon]="CardOwnerName.valid" [class.red-icon]="CardOwnerName.invalid && CardOwnerName.touched"></i> </div> </div> <input name="CardOwnerName" #CardOwnerName="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.CardOwnerName" placeholder="Card Owner Name" required> </div> </div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <i [class.green-icon]="CardNumber.valid" [class.red-icon]="CardNumber.invalid && CardNumber.touched"></i> </div> </div> <input name="CardNumber" #CardNumber="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.CardNumber" placeholder="16 Digit Card Number" required maxlength="16" minlength="16"> </div> </div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <i [class.green-icon]="ExpirationDate.valid" [class.red-icon]="ExpirationDate.invalid && ExpirationDate.touched"></i> </div> </div> <input name="ExpirationDate" #ExpirationDate="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.ExpirationDate" placeholder="MM/YY" required maxlength="5" minlength="5"> </div> </div> <div> <div> <div> <div> <i [class.green-icon]="CVV.valid" [class.red-icon]="CVV.invalid && CVV.touched"></i> </div> </div> <input type="password" name="CVV" #CVV="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="service.formData.CVV" placeholder="CVV" required maxlength="3" minlength="3"> </div> </div> </div> <div> <button type="submit" [disabled]="form.invalid"><i></i> Submit</button> </div> </form>
it might be confusing for you, because here we’ve put everything related to the form – design and form validation. we have input field for all model properties including PMId in a hidden field. Each input field is bound to its respective property through 2 way data-binding.
Inside this form, all field has the required validation and number of characters is restricted to all field except Card Owner Name. For Angular field validation, we can use angular classes/attributes for showing validation error indications. auto-generated classes/ attribute by Angular
- ng-invalid (class)/ invalid (property) X ng-valid (class)/ valid (property)
- ng-untouched (class)/ untouched (property) X ng-touched (class)/ touched (property)
for each input field we’ve a Font Awesome Icon. To indicate validation error, we conditionally change font color of these icons using css class green-icon and red-icon. Finally the submit button is conditionally disabled based on whether the form as a whole is valid or not.
Currently our Angular Form in payment-detail component looks like this.
Insert a new Record
let’s wire up submit event to the form.
<form ... (submit)="onSubmit(form)"> ... </form>
Now define the function – onSubmit inside payment-detail.component.ts.
onSubmit(form: NgForm) { this.insertRecord(form); } insertRecord(form: NgForm) { this.service.postPaymentDetail().subscribe( res => { this.resetForm(form); this.service.refreshList(); }, err => { console.log(err); } ) }
a separate function insertRecord is defined to insert a new record into the SQL server table.
Before testing this operation, we have to do a few more things in ASP.NET Core Web API.
- .Net Core Web API will block request from another application which is hosted in another domain or in another port number. by default, Angular is running at port number 4200 and Web API is hosted at a different port number. to make Http Request, we’ve to Enable-CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) in Web API.
- By default, ASP.Net Core API use camel casing for response object. (eg: C ardNumber to c ardNumber). so we’ve to avoid this default json formatting.
Now let’s do required steps to solve these two issues. First of all install latest NuGet Package – Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors. then you can update startup class like this.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { ... //remove default json formatting services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options => { options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null; options.JsonSerializerOptions.DictionaryKeyPolicy = null; }); //add cors package services.AddCors(); } public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { //configurations to cosume the Web API from port : 4200 (Angualr App) app.UseCors(options => options.WithOrigins("http://localhost:4200") .AllowAnyMethod() .AllowAnyHeader()); ... }
Inside the Configure function, it is better to keep the function call UseCors before any other lines. Now you can try the insert operation. for me, it is working fine. Comment if you face any problem.
Retrieve and Display all Inserted Records
Inserted records can be retrieved and displayed in payment-detail-list component. for that let’s update the component ts file as follows.
import { PaymentDetailService } from './../../shared/payment-detail.service'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-payment-detail-list', templateUrl: './payment-detail-list.component.html', styles: [] }) export class PaymentDetailListComponent implements OnInit { constructor(pubic service: PaymentDetailService) { } ngOnInit() { this.service.refreshList(); } }
Inside list component- ngOnInit life-cycle hook, we’ve called refreshList function to populate list array in service class. using service list property, we can render all of the inserted records in list component html.
<table> <tr *ngFor="let pd of service.list"> <td>{{pd.CardOwnerName}}</td> <td>{{pd.CardNumber}}</td> <td>{{pd.ExpirationDate}}</td> </tr> </table>
Update and Delete Operation
Now let’s implement Update Operation, for that we can add click event for all td cells as shown below.
<td (click)="populateForm(pd)">...</td>
inside the click event funtion, we have to populate corresponding selected record inside the form. so add following function to payment-detail-list component.
populateForm(selectedRecord) { this.service.formData = Object.assign({}, selectedRecord); }
inside the function, we just set the selected record object to formData property in service class. since the form is bound to formData properties, the form field will get populated corresponding details.
After making required changes in these populated value fields, user can submit the form for the update operation. so we have handle both insert and update operation inside the form submit event in payment-detail component. hence update the payment-detail.component.ts.
onSubmit(form: NgForm) { if (this.service.formData.PMId == 0) this.insertRecord(form); else this.updateRecord(form); } updateRecord(form: NgForm) { this.service.putPaymentDetail().subscribe( res => { this.resetForm(form); this.toastr.info('Submitted successfully', 'Payment Detail Register'); this.service.refreshList(); }, err => { console.log(err); } ) }
inside the form, we have a hidden field for PMId based on its value in submit function, we can decide whether we’ve got an insert/ update operation. insertRecord is already defined. with updateRecord function, we will update the corresponding payment-detail record.
Now let’s implement Delete Operation in list component. for that add a button to delete a record inside that table.
file : payment-detail-list.component.html
... <td> <i (click)="onDelete(pd.PMId)"></i> </td> </tr> </table>
now let define onDelete function in payment-detail-list.component.ts as below.
onDelete(PMId) { if (confirm('Are you sure to delete this record ?')) { this.service.deletePaymentDetail(PMId) .subscribe(res => { this.service.refreshList(); }, err => { console.log(err); }) } }
So in this article, we’ve completed Angular CRUD Operations With ASP.NET Core Web API.
Step By Step Video Tutorial
In our YouTube channel , we did these CRUD Operations with Asp.Net Core Web API 2.2 and Angular 7.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
卓金武 编 / 北京航空航天大学 / 2011-4 / 34.80元
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