Modern and Seamless UIs
WinUI makes it easy to build modern, seamless UIs that feel natural to use on every Windows device. It embodies Fluent Design to enable intuitive, accessible, and powerful experiences and the latest user interface patterns.
Unmatched Native Performance
WinUI is powered by a highly optimized C++ core that delivers blistering performance, long battery life, and responsive interactivity that professional developers demand. Its lower system utilization allows it to run on a wider range of hardware, ensuring your sophisticated workloads run with ease.
Developers in Control
WinUI will never force you to update - you choose when to adopt a new version. Our commitment to open source development means you have a voice in the platform's future.
Built for Windows 10 and Windows 10X
Future-proof your app with WinUI. With 1 billion devices running Windows 10, and used in Microsoft's own industry applications, WinUI continually expands to meet the needs of every modern device.
The Future of Windows Development
WinUI offers a state-of-the-art UI framework for all Windows apps across both Win32 and UWP.
It provides a way to gradually migrate existing apps written in familiar technologies like MFC, Winforms, Silverlight, and WPF, allowing you to move these applications forward at your own pace. It also supports familiar languages spanning C++, C#, Visual Basic, and even Javascript via React Native for Windows.
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Producter 让产品从0到1
周楷雯 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-12-25 / CNY 69.00
这是一本以App Store首页推荐的成功App为例阐述如何完成一款App产品的设计、开发和营销的书。在这本书之后,作者的《一炷香》和《字里行间》两款产品也接连被App Store首页推荐。 《Producter 让产品从0到1》从产品的设计、产品的实现、产品的迭代、产品的营销、产品的进阶等几个角度,全面讲解了产品设计的基本原则、设计的重要性、设计的感觉、实用的设计工具、简单的iOS开发、产......一起来看看 《Producter 让产品从0到1》 这本书的介绍吧!
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