Self-hosted, super simple photo stream

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Photo stream is a simpler home for your photos byWe like to take photos and share them. Problem is it's hard to really own your photos and how they're represented across social media these days, so we set out to make a place for them. You host it yourself,

Self-hosted, super simple photo stream

Photo Stream

Photo stream is a simpler home for your photos by @maxvoltar and. Easy to use, self hosted, no tracking, just photos.


  • Lazy loading
  • Only load larger resolutions when needed (to save on bandwidth)
  • Photo tints
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Unique URL's for photos
  • RSS feed (Which you can plug into IFTTT and set up auto-posting to most social networks, like I've done here . Make sure you select "Post a tweet with image" when setting it up to embed the photo.)
  • Drag, drop, commit workflow ( learn more about how to add photos to your stream )
  • Optional: Links to your social networks


We like to take photos and share them. Problem is it's hard to really own your photos and how they're represented across social media these days, so we set out to make a place for them. You host it yourself, wherever you want (Netlify, Github Pages...), you're in control.

How to install

The easy way

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clear the photos/originals directory
  3. Add your own photos
  4. Deploy your forked copy to Netlify (free by default, you can add your own domain and analytics for a reasonable price)
  5. In your build & deploy settings, set "Build command" to jekyll build and "Publish directory" to _site/ .
  6. Enjoy your very own photo stream!

The slightly-less-easy-but-still-totally-doable way

You'll need a working version of Ruby.

Add instructions about installing rbenv

bundle install

You'll also need some additional dependencies:

# Make sure xcode CLT is installed first:
xcode-select --install

# This takes a while. Plug your laptop in and go grab a coffee, a book, or just
# like, take a sec away from the computer and breathe for a bit.
brew install glib vips

How to use

Put photos in the photos/originals directory.

bundle exec jekyll serve



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