Slower News

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This is, somehow, a slowly updated news-aggregator with relevant trends, micro-trends and edge cases for borderline nerds, that don't want to miss out, neither spend a shit-ton of time distilling trivia. This project appeared while «scratching my own itch»

Slower News

WTF is this?

This is, somehow, a slowly updated news-aggregator with relevant trends, micro-trends and edge cases for borderline nerds, that don't want to miss out, neither spend a shit-ton of time distilling trivia. This project appeared while «scratching my own itch» - an information flood is drowning our times - and before becoming a website, it lived as a markdown file.

How do you curate articles?

Articles are hand selected. Everything that calls my attention and passes the «trivia filter» will be added to Slower News. It's certainly affected by my biases (I'm aware of these) and most articles were on Hacker News.

How often is Slower News updated?

Only when relevant. Visit every month and «you're good to go». New articles are easy to spot.

Can I contribute?

Open an issue or pull request this repository with relevant links, corrections or suggestions. Nevertheless, I'm the BDFL of the main and Portugal page.


Hand coded SPA - with no JS - and statically hosted at Netlify from a Github repository. Tufte CSS (adapted). No images, no tracking (GDPR friendly analytics with Goatcounter) and no bloat. Ok, I use non-standard fonts but web design is mostly typography.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[美] 凯文•阿洛卡 / 侯奕茜、何语涵 / 中信出版社 / 2018-10-1 / 68.00

1. YouTube流行趋势经理,解密如何打造爆款视频 在视频时代,制造互动,才能创造潮流 用户不再是被动的观众,而是主动的传播者 2. 《刷屏》以行内人视角解读: 病毒视频 粉丝经济 网红产业 平台如何为内容创作者赋能 3. 你是否常常被病毒视频刷屏?你是否觉得很多网红火爆到“无法用常理解释”? 视频时代已经到来,我们每天观看网络......一起来看看 《刷屏》 这本书的介绍吧!


RGB HEX 互转工具

Base64 编码/解码
Base64 编码/解码

Base64 编码/解码

Markdown 在线编辑器
Markdown 在线编辑器

Markdown 在线编辑器