FastAI: Classifying Brooklyn Nine-Nine Actors with Deep Learning

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

FastAI: Classifying Brooklyn Nine-Nine Actors with Deep Learning

They see me Holtin’ — They hatin’

With Season 7 currently airing, there’s no doubt that Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a popular TV show. I won’t go into reasons why, but if you still haven’t watched it and have some time to spare, there’s no good reason to at least not give it a try.

FastAI: Classifying Brooklyn Nine-Nine Actors with Deep Learning

Modified image from Wikimedia Commons

But this isn’t a TV Show article — it’s a Deep Learning one. To be more precise, the article aims to use the power of deep learning to classify images of actors from the show.

Okay, but, where will you get the images?

Good question. Basically the idea is to download images from the web — it’s not that my intentions are to sell this model afterward ( who’d even benefit from it? ). After downloading we’ll have to do only the basic image manipulation — cropping .

Essentially, all images were cropped to be squares, and nothing else has been done preparation-wise. The reason why is that a sophisticated Deep learning library will be used to handle the training process — FastAI .

I’ve previously written about it, and if you want to follow along make sure to have it installed and configured properly. This article might come in handy:

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






刘强东 / 中信出版集团 / 2016-6-1 / 49.00

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