Using Django Check Constraints for the Sum of Percentage Fields

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:I previously covered using Django’sImagine a book application where we want to track books our percentage progress in three categories:We could use a Django model with one field for each of those three categories:
Using Django Check Constraints for the Sum of Percentage Fields

I previously covered using Django’s CheckConstraint class to ensure a field with choices is constrained to only valid values . Here’s another use case, based on an application I worked on. It uses a check constraint to ensure a set of fields, representing percentages, always sum up to 100.

Imagine a book application where we want to track books our percentage progress in three categories:

  • Pages we’ve read
  • Pages we have left to read
  • Pages we have deliberately chosen to ignore

We could use a Django model with one field for each of those three categories:

from django.db import models

class Book(models.Model):
    percent_read = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    percent_unread = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    percent_ignored = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.percent_read}% read"

Using PositiveIntegerField means no field contains a number less than 0. That’s a good start, but the fields can still store numbers greater than 100, or their sum might be less or more than 100.

Using a check constraint, we can enforce such constraints, telling the database to prevent storage of bad data. In this case, we only need to enforce that their sum is 100 to automatically bound the individual fields between 0 and 100.

We add such a constraint in the model’s Meta.constraints :

from django.db import models

class Book(models.Model):
    percent_read = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    percent_unread = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    percent_ignored = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.percent_read}% read"

    class Meta:
        constraints = [
                        - models.F("percent_unread")
                        - models.F("percent_ignored")


  • We always have to wrap the expression in a Q() object . This represents a filter, and takes the same syntax as arguments to objects.filter() .

  • We use F() objects to refer to the fields in our model.

  • We combine the F() objects using Python’s mathematical operators. This doesn’t execute the operation but builds a representation that the database will execute after we migrate.

  • We have to write the expression with percent_read on the left hand side. That is, percent_read == 100 - percent_unread - percent_ignored , rather than the clearer percent_read + percent_unread + percent_ignored == 100 . This is due to limitations in Django’s F() object that we might remove in a future version (e.g. PR #12041 ).

Running makemigrations gives us a migration like so:

from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.expressions

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ("core", "0001_initial"),

    operations = [

This looks like our model definition. The main difference is that the migrations framework has swapped the F() objects for the constructed CombinedExpression objects.

Running sqlmigrate reveals the SQL it will execute:

$ python sqlmigrate core 0002
-- Create constraint percentages_sum_100 on model book
ALTER TABLE `core_book` ADD CONSTRAINT `percentages_sum_100` CHECK (
    `percent_read` = (
        (100 - `core_book`.`percent_unread`)
        - `core_book`.`percent_ignored`

We can apply this migration using migrate , but only if all the data in the table already fits the constraint.

If it doesn’t, the database will raise an IntegrityError :

$ python migrate core 0002
Operations to perform:
  Target specific migration: 0002_percentages_sum_100, from core
Running migrations:
  Applying core.0002_percentages_sum_100...Traceback (most recent call last):
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (4025, 'CONSTRAINT `percentages_sum_100` failed for `testapp`.`core_book`')

After successfully migrating, the database will raise an IntegrityError like this for inserts or updates of bad data.

As I wrote inmy past post, constraints aren’t surfaced as nice error messages in forms. The best solution right now is to reimplement the constraint logic in Python in our form.

In this case we need to implement a Form.clean() method , since our validation is for more than one field:

from django import forms

from core.models import Book

class BookForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Book
        fields = ["percent_read", "percent_unread", "percent_ignored"]

    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super().clean()

            percentages_sum = (
                + cleaned_data["percent_unread"]
                + cleaned_data["percent_ignored"]
        except KeyError:
            if percentages_sum != 100:
                        f"Percentages must add up to 100%, they currently add"
                        + f" up to {percentages_sum}%"

        return cleaned_data


  • We use try/except KeyError/else to calculate the sum. The data dict can raise a KeyError for fields that the user didn’t provide. I covered using else like this in “Limit Your Try Clauses in Python” .

  • We use self.add_error(None, msg) to add a non-field error. This is better than raise ValidationError since it allows further steps we might add to clean() to run as well.

A quick test of the form shows the clean method working:

$ python shell
In [1]: from core.forms import BookForm

In [2]: BookForm({'percent_unread': 12, 'percent_read': 12, 'percent_ignored': 12}).errors
Out[2]: {'__all__': ['Percentages must add up to 100%, they currently add up to 36%']}

In [3]: BookForm({'percent_unread': 33, 'percent_read': 33, 'percent_ignored': 34}).errors
Out[3]: {}



During the writing of this blog post, I must admit I found a bug in Django, #31197 . Adding this constraint won’t cleanly migrate on SQLite, on Django 2.2 or 3.0, but it’s fixed for 3.1 and I wrote a workaround on the ticket. Thanks to Simon Charette for writing the fix and Mariusz Felisiak for adding a test.

I hope this post helps you use check constraints more,


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