Post-Mortem Python Plotting

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Next time you're in your IPython console and you get an error somewhere deep in your stack, runThat should be enough to rock the world of some readers, but there's more! The problem with pdb is it's a very limited interpreter, lacking such luxuries as tab

Next time you're in your IPython console and you get an error somewhere deep in your stack, run %debug . It's a post-mortem debugger , and it'll drop you in an interpreter right where the error happened . You can inspect all the variables, go up and down the stack, and figure out what happened.

That should be enough to rock the world of some readers, but there's more! The problem with pdb is it's a very limited interpreter, lacking such luxuries as tab completion. What about if the bug requires something more powerful? Well my friend, do I have a snippet for you:

def extract():
    """Copies the caller's environment up to your IPython session"""
    import inspect
    import ctypes 

    frames = inspect.stack()
    caller = frames[1].frame
    name, ls, gs = caller.f_code.co_name, caller.f_locals, caller.f_globals

    ipython = [f for f in inspect.stack() if f.filename.startswith('<ipython-input')][-1].frame

    ipython.f_locals.update({k: v for k, v in gs.items() if k[:2] != '__'})
    ipython.f_locals.update({k: v for k, v in ls.items() if k[:2] != '__'})

    ctypes.pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast(ctypes.py_object(ipython), ctypes.c_int(0))

extract is the single most useful function I've written in five years of working in Python. It grabs the caller's environment, finds your interpreter session in the stack, and stuffs the caller's env into that session . Here it is working in isolation:

def f():
    x = 'hello world'

>>> f() # copies f's internals into the session
>>> print(x) # prints 'hello world'

See? It's magic enough just by itself. But in combination with %debug , it's more magic .

A Daft Example

The killer feature is when you've got some piece of numerical analysis that fails occasionally . Debugging things that fail occassionally is misery since if you knew what circumstances caused the bug, you'd probably already have fixed it. Post-mortem debugging is a lifesaver in this case, since it lets you wait for the circumstances that cause the bug to turn up naturally.

Consider this snippet,

def random_walk():
    return np.random.normal(size=1000).cumsum()

def first_positives():
    idxs = []
    for _ in range(100):
        xs = random_walk()
        idxs.append((xs > 0).nonzero()[0][0])
    return np.array(idxs)

which generates the distribution of times at which a random walk becomes positive. Most of the time it runs fine, but occasionally it throws an IndexError !

What on earth? I call %debug and get the usual prompt

> <ipython-input-36-cd128c0c6b16>(12)first_positives()
     10     for _ in range(10):
     11         xs = random_walk()
---> 12         idxs.append((xs > 0).nonzero()[0][0])
     13     return np.array(idxs)


and type p xs to see if there's something obviously wrong. It doesn't look like anything to me :

ipdb> p xs
array([ -0.44560791,  -1.79932944,  -2.56393172,  -3.10994348,
        -2.54914905,  -5.29201201,  -5.96402224,  -7.65870068,
        -8.34737223,  -7.12503207,  -6.90961605,  -6.87986835,
        -6.97889256,  -7.88125706,  -8.45506909,  -7.23593778,

Just a bunch of numbers. Hrm. Ok, in I type extract() , and quit the debugger. Back in my Jupyter session, xs has - magically! - appeared in my workspace, and a quick plt.plot(xs)

Post-Mortem Python Plotting

...shows that sometimes the random walk never becomes positive. D'oh. Never becomes positive means an empty array of positive indices, meaning [0] is out of bounds.

That's an artificial, facile, ridiculous example which - on purportedly less random data - happens to me three times a week. Once upon a time I'd have to commit actual thought to figuring out what scenario was leading to an out of bounds. With the help of pdb and extract , I can instead program thought-free!

Other tricks

  • You can also invoke the post mortem debugger with rather than going through the %debug magic.

  • You don't have to invoke extract from the base of the stack. You can go up a few levels first, if you think the error's cause is in a different place from where it's discovered. Learning the debugger commands is absolutely worth it .

  • You don't have to wait for an error either. You can drop breakpoint() - an alias for import pdb; pdb.set_trace() - in your code anywhere to get to the debugger, or you can simply call extract directly.

  • If I'm chasing some numerical issue, I'll often set up if statements that trigger extract when values get particularly large or small.

  • I have extract and some other utilities bundled up in a personal tools package that I call aljpy . When I find myself somewhere new, I install it using pip install git+ and then call extract with import aljpy; aljpy.extract() . I wouldn't recommend using my tools package since I'll change it on a whim, but I do recommend building your own.

  • Incidentally, the code above is not version I use. I've also nailed on support for grabbing the locals of arbitrary functions and modules. It also throws an error on exit, which drops me directly back to my session where my new locals are waiting.

def extract(source=None):
    """Copies the variables of the caller up to iPython. Useful for debugging.

    .. code-block:: python

        def f():
            x = 'hello world'

        f() # raises an error

        print(x) # prints 'hello world'

    import inspect
    import ctypes 

    if source is None:
        frames = inspect.stack()
        caller = frames[1].frame
        name, ls, gs = caller.f_code.co_name, caller.f_locals, caller.f_globals
    elif hasattr(source, '__func__'):
        func = source.__func__
        name, ls, gs = func.__qualname__, (func.__closure__ or {}), func.__globals__
    elif hasattr(source, '__init__'):
        func = source.__init__.__func__
        name, ls, gs = func.__qualname__, (func.__closure__ or {}), func.__globals__
        raise ValueError(f'Don\'t support source {source}')

    ipython = [f for f in inspect.stack() if f.filename.startswith('<ipython-input')][-1].frame

    ipython.f_locals.update({k: v for k, v in gs.items() if k[:2] != '__'})
    ipython.f_locals.update({k: v for k, v in ls.items() if k[:2] != '__'})

    # Magic call to make the updates to f_locals 'stick'.
    # More info:
    ctypes.pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast(ctypes.py_object(ipython), ctypes.c_int(0))

    message = 'Copied {}\'s variables to {}'.format(name, ipython.f_code.co_name)
    raise RuntimeError(message)

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Post-Mortem Python Plotting》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






[美]克莱顿·克里斯坦森、杰罗姆·格罗斯曼、黄捷升 / 朱恒鹏、张琦 / 中国人民大学出版社 / 2015-9 / 89.90元

[内容简介] ● 创新大师克里斯坦森采用了哈佛商学院在20年研究中总结而出的、在各行业实践中获得成功的管理创新经验,把颠覆式创新理念引入美国医疗行业研究。医疗机构需要量体裁衣,选择合适的商业模式展开创新之举。 ● 作者同时探讨了医疗保险公司、制药企业、医学院和政府机构在医疗改革中起到的作用,从社会性角度深入剖析了医疗保健行业未来之路。 ● 医疗界人士、政策制定者、对医疗界现......一起来看看 《创新者的处方》 这本书的介绍吧!

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