内容简介:The Angular 9.0.0 version has been released now.This is a major release and have changes for entire platform, including the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI.The Ivy compiler is default runtime compiler, Earlier it was optional parameter to select c
The Angular 9.0.0 version has been released now.This is a major release and have changes for entire platform, including the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI.
The Ivy compiler is default runtime compiler, Earlier it was optional parameter to select compiler under angular 8.They can Improved build errors that will helpful to debug errors in the application.
The angular 9 introduced two new component YouTube and Google Maps.You can include into your application and take benefit of those component.
There are following breaking changes for angular 9 –
Table of Contents
Setting up Angular CLI v
You can install angular CLI by using following command, Open CMD
in Administrator mode and run the following command.
// For Mac and Linux sudo npm install -g @angular/cli
// For Windows
npm install -g @angular/cli
Now, run the following command to check the Angular CLI version.
ng version
How To Create a New Angular 9 Project
Let’s create a simple angular 9 application.Type the following command to create the new Angular 9 project –
ng new hello-angular9
The above CLI command will ask you two –
- Would you like to add an Angular routing? Type y for Yes , n for NO
- which stylesheet format would you like to use? Select CSS or other.
The above option use to add routing information into your application.You don’t need to add the routes for angular components to implement navigation in our application.You ll get app-routing.module.ts file inside the src >> app directory.
How To Run Angular 9 Application
I have created angular 9 application , Let’s run angular 9 application by running below command –
ng serve --open
The "–open"
parameter will automatically open this Angular 9 app in the default browser.
The default URL is: http://localhost:4200
How To install Bootstrap 4
We will install bootstrap by using following command-
npm install bootstrap --save
Add the bootstrap css file inside an angular.json
"styles": [ "src/styles.css", "./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" ],
How To Create Component
The Angular 9 CLI will use to create component. Type the following command to create the new component into the project –
ng g c employee-add --skipTests=true
The above command will create following files –
CREATE src/app/employee-add/employee-add.component.css (0 bytes) CREATE src/app/employee-add/employee-add.component.html (25 bytes) CREATE src/app/employee-add/employee-add.component.ts (290 bytes)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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