Odin - a fast, concise, readable, and pragmatic programming language

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The Odin programming language is fast, concise, readable, pragmatic and open sourced. It is designed with the intent of replacing C with the following goals:Website:Instructions for downloading and install the Odin compiler and libraries.
Odin - a fast, concise, readable, and pragmatic programming language

A fast, concise, readable, pragmatic and open sourced programming language.

The Odin Programming Language

The Odin programming language is fast, concise, readable, pragmatic and open sourced. It is designed with the intent of replacing C with the following goals:

  • simplicity
  • high performance
  • built for modern systems
  • joy of programming

Website: https://odin-lang.org/

package main

import "core:fmt"

main :: proc() {
	program := "+ + * :smiley: - /";
	accumulator := 0;

	for token in program {
		switch token {
		case '+': accumulator += 1;
		case '-': accumulator -= 1;
		case '*': accumulator *= 2;
		case '/': accumulator /= 2;
		case ':smiley:': accumulator *= accumulator;
		case: // Ignore everything else

	fmt.printf("The program \"%s\" calculates the value %d\n",
	           program, accumulator);


Getting Started

Instructions for downloading and install the Odin compiler and libraries.

Learning Odin

Overview of Odin

An overview of the Odin programming language.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to common questions about Odin.

The Odin Wiki

A wiki maintained by the Odin community.

Odin Discord

Get live support and talk with other odiners on the Odin Discord.


Language Specification

The official Odin Language specification.


The Odin Blog

The official blog of the Odin programming language, featuring announcements, news, and in-depth articles by the Odin team and guests.


Odin only supports x86-64 at the moment (64-bit), relies on LLVM for code generation and an external linker.

In addition, the following platform-specific steps are necessary:

  • Windows

    • Have Visual Studio installed (MSVC 2010 or later, for the linker)
    • Have a copy of opt.exe and llc.exe in Odin/bin . Pre-built Windows binaries can be found here and must be explicitly copied
    • Open a valid command prompt:
      • Basic: run the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 shortcut bundled with VS 2017, or
      • Advanced: run vcvarsall.bat x64 from a blank cmd session
  • MacOS

    brew install llvm
  • GNU/Linux


Then build the compiler by calling build.bat (Windows) or make (Linux/MacOS). This will automatically run the demo program if successful.

Notes for Linux:: The compiler currently relies on the core and shared library collection being relative to the compiler executable. Installing the compiler in the usual sense (to /usr/local/bin or similar) is therefore not as straight forward as you need to make sure the mentioned libraries are available. As a result, it is recommended to simply explicitly invoke the compiler with /path/to/odin in your preferred build system, or add /path/to/odin to $PATH .

Please read the Getting Started Guide for more information.

Requirements to build and run

Please read the Getting Started Guide .

  • Windows

    • x86-64
    • MSVC 2010 installed (C++11 support)
    • LLVM binaries for opt.exe , llc.exe , and lld-link.exe
    • Requires MSVC's link.exe as the linker
      • run vcvarsall.bat to setup the path
  • MacOS

    brew install llvm
  • GNU/Linux

    • x86-64
    • Build tools (ld)
    • LLVM installed
    • Clang installed (temporary - this is Calling the linker for now)


  • This is still highly in development and the language's design is quite volatile.
  • Syntax is not fixed.


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Odin - a fast, concise, readable, and pragmatic programming language》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






裘宗燕 / 机械工业出版社 / 2005-9-1 / 36.00元

本书以C作为讨论程序设计的语言,讨论了基本程序设计的各方面问题。书中给出程序实例时没有采用常见的提出问题,给出解答,再加些解释的简单三步形式,而是增加了许多问题的分析和讨论,以帮助读者认识程序设计过程的实质,理解从问题到程序的思考过程。书中还尽可能详尽地解释了许多与C语言和程序设计有关的问题。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的教材,也可供其他学习C程序设计语言的读者阅读。一起来看看 《从问题到程序》 这本书的介绍吧!



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