Introduction to Google's Material Design [FREE]

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Learn how Material Design makes your app better by improving the user experience and accessibility with tools, material widgets and design guidance.

Learn about material design widgets and the advantages they provide over standard Android widgets.

Configure the project and add material design dependencies to your app level build.gradle file.

Convert a button from the standard library into a material design button, which provides a better user experience and accessibility.

Now that your buttons have been materialized, do the same for the EditText widgets using a TextInputLayout.

Choose a color scheme for your app by following Material Design guidelines using the color tool.

Use your previously created color scheme to change the design of your buttons, text fields and action bar.

In this episode, implement and extend a material design style by modifying the attributes of a TexInputLayout.

Learn how to use the asset studio to generate material design icons for your app.

Add the finishing touches to your app, such as an elevation attribute to your card views.

Who is this for?

Intermediate Android developers who are interested in learning the basics of Material design from a developer's point of view. This course expects you to be familiar with Android Studio, Android Development with Kotlin and to have experience with Views and styles.

Covered concepts

  • Creating icons with the Asset Studio
  • Using material design components such as TextViews and Buttons.
  • Implementing a material color scheme
  • Implementing and extending the material design themes.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






雷秀娟 / 2012-8 / 85.00元

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