Querying JSON documents using SQL-like language in Scala

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:JsonSql, like the name may suggest, is a scala library that you can use to query json documents using a familiar looking SQL syntax.For now the library is only capable of handling SELECT statements. There are plans to also enable its users to do the rest o


JsonSql, like the name may suggest, is a scala library that you can use to query json documents using a familiar looking SQL syntax.

General remarks

For now the library is only capable of handling SELECT statements. There are plans to also enable its users to do the rest of the basic operations, so INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs, however that was not the main goal here so far.

Syntax and what to watch out for

In order to be able to parse text documents correctly, some baseline syntax had to be established. When it comes to Json itself, it may look as you like, no restrictions here. Though, when it comes to SQL, it needs to abide to certain rules:

  • There's one important bit missing in the library, namely: handling the wildcard symbol - * . I plan on implementing it, but haven't had time so far. In the time being, you need to always list the fields you're interested in explicitly.
  • Fields should always be surrounded by double quotes: "example.field".
  • String constants should always be surrounded by single quotes: 'I\'m a string constant!' (the escape sequence will be replaced with a single quote in the result).
  • ##json## tag is mandatory - that's where the library inserts the parsed json.
  • Functions should always be followed by an alias - otherwise the library wouldn't know how to name the resulting column.
  • In the examples below, you may notice that I'm using ALLCAPS notation for SQL keywords and function names. It's totally optional, however given a string of SQL code, it nicely distinguishes different tags, so I prefer to use them.
  • The library is not performing any kind of json code validation, which means, that for some broken json inputs it will not blow up, but for some other it just may. At the same time it makes no promises that it will produce correct result for incorrect json input that it didn't blew up when used on. It's the client's responsibility to pass it valid json code.
  • The library is performing SQL code validation - to a degree. It mostly relates to the contents of where clauses. Check out unit tests and the Filter object definition for more gory details.


Given json code that looks like this:

  "fullname":"Raymond Mann",
      "street": "Street1",
      "city": "City1"

You can run some simple queries, like this one:

SELECT "id", "age", "fullname" FROM ##json##

Given that everything went well, the result will be a Right:

val Right(result) = runQuery("...", json)

result("id") should be (Seq(Some(JNumber(1))))
result("age") should be (Seq(Some(JNumber(1))))
result("avgage") should be (Seq(Some(JNumber(1))))
result("fullname") should be (Seq(Some(JString("Raymond Mann"))))

The lib can also operate on something more complex:

              "street": "Street3",
              "city": "City2"
          "address": null
          "fullname":"Jack Gibson",
              "street": "Street2",
              "city": "City1"
          "fullname":"Jean Grant",
              "street": "Street2",
              "city": "City2"
          "fullname":"Debra McKenna",
          "fullname":"Annie Finch",
          "address": null
          "fullname":"Karen Grimes",
          "address": {
              "street": "Street3",
              "city": "City1"
          "fullname":"Jose Wolf",
              "street": "Street3",
              "city": "City1"
          "fullname":"Hannah Teague",
              "street": "Street2",
              "city": "City2"
          "fullname":"Leo Locklear",
              "street": "Street1",
              "city": "City1"
SELECT "items.id", AVG("items.age")
FROM ##json##
WHERE ("items.age" > 10 AND "items.age" < 20 AND "items.address.city" = 'City1') OR "items.isEmployee" = false

As you can see, the lib can also handle some basic functions - for now it's only the AVG function, but more will come soon. Please bear in mind that for now, it can only handle functions in the SELECT clause and putting one elsewhere will cause a Left(error) result to be produced.


It's not clear on first sight, but the library is trying to preserve the shape of the data fed to it. For example, if you give it 10 objects, out of which only 5 will satisfy the condition list given in the WHERE clause, it will return 5 None's and 5 Some's filled with values selected.

There are also few more caveats for now, for example the library is not able to handle nested arrays properly, so querying json code like the one below will probably not return anything useful:

    { "key": 1 },
    { "key": 2 }

For more use cases, look into the small test suite I wrote.

Feel free to put any more issues you find on this github!

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陈威如、王诗一、余卓轩(统筹) / 中信出版社 / 2016-1-10 / 58

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