内容简介:We have spoken previously about activation functions, and as promised we will explain its link with the layers and the nodes in an architecture of neural networks.Note that this is an explanation for classical Neural Network and not specialized ones. This
Classical Neural Network: What really are Nodes and Layers?
What does a node and a layer mathematically represent? Easy to understand introduction to concepts behind the scene.
We have spoken previously about activation functions, and as promised we will explain its link with the layers and the nodes in an architecture of neural networks.
Note that this is an explanation for classical Neural Network and not specialized ones. This knowledge will despite it, be of use when studying specific neural networks.
Alright, all being said, let’s get started.
First, we will be taking as an example the following very simple architecture of neural network (NN). (fig. 1)
- Input Layer: Node1 → X | Activation: sigmoid
- Hidden Layer: Node1 →N1 and Node2 → N2 (from top to bottom) | Activation: sigmoid
- Output Layer: Node1 → M | Activation
#This code is the keras implementation of the above described NNdef simple_nn(): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(2, input_dim=1, activation='sigmoid')) model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd') return model
Which function does this Neural Network represent?
Given the above notations, we get the following function (fig.2):
Here multiple things are to be noticed:
- The output of the neural network will always belong to [0,1]. As we mentioned in the activation functions article, the output layer activation function is very much important and pretty much defines the type of model you want to achieve (i.e classification/regression etc…)
- With only one hidden layer composed of two nodes, we end up with a vector of weights of dimensionality 7. That puts in perspective of difficult the training is when the number of nodes increases.
- Except for activation functions, operations are linear combinations. Again, activation functions introduce non-linearity.
Why exactly are we using linear combination and these types of activation functions?
First of all, even though Deep Learning (studies of numerous layers NN) is a category of study by itself, it nonetheless has the same goal as classical Machine Learning: “approaching a specific underlying model/distribution from data points (most of the times)”. Therefore the goal of a NN is also to approach a distribution i.e a function, but then how so? Here intervenes some basic knowledge about Analysis, brace yourself!
For simplicity’s sake (you can contact me if you are interested to know the more general explanation), we will be changing to the following architecture. Here is its function (fig.3):
Let’s first start with a continuous function from reals to reals. Let’s fix ourselves the goal to approach such a function. A canonical way of starting this is to first plot the function our NN represents (fig.3). Since we do not need any specific data to explain the idea, we will not be training the NN and will simply be assigning weights arbitrarily (fig.4).
Here is the plot (fig.5):
Surprise! What kind of shape is this? A rectangle !!!
So our Neural network is actually mimicking the distribution of a rectangle (more or less). For some, this might not seem special, but for some others that have heard of Riemman Integration and step functions, for instance, will more or less see where I am heading to. Exactly, an approximation of the continuous function by step functions like neural network (not exactly a step function but summing up does the job).
Few things again to note:
- The sharpness of the edges for the rectangle is defined by the scalar in front of X and the position of the high-value derivative is defined by the scalar added to the product.
- Two nodes are enough to make a rectangle, and therefore to approach the continuous function, we simply need to add nodes! (in case of an odd number of nodes, we will simply have rectangles and a step function)
Even though it is harder to picture, the approximation of continuous function in higher dimensions works pretty much the same (except for one step where we rescale values).
Now that we have seen such approximations, we can be confident in the power of NN to approach a distribution (even if non-continuous). But this explanation still lacks something, we arbitrarily gave some accurate weights to our NN, but unfortunately, we are unable to do such a thing in general datasets since we ignore the distribution. And here intervenes optimization techniques such as the famous SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent) or Batch GD (etc…). Assuming that these optimizations do get us to a close enough solution, this will imply that we overperformed the original weights (for rectangles) that we were giving. Showing the example above (rectangles) is somehow giving a lower bound to accuracy, even though the mentioned technique seemed optimal, the optimization of weights might not necessarily converge toward the technique’s optimal but will again, outperform it.
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(西班牙) Ricardo Baeza-Yates、(巴西)Berthier Ribeiro-Neto / 机械工业出版社 / 2011-3 / 78.00元
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