Swift Soars Ever Higher

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

A year ago, to the day, I postedA Swift Takes Flight. In it, there was the announcement that Foundation was possible to build on Windows. This was a pretty large milestone in supporting Windows as a platform. Foundation is a complex codebase that has very interesting cross-language and cross-object-model interactions (CoreFoundation bridging).

I am extremely excited to announce that as of today we have the full test suite for Foundation passing on Windows as well! Although there are a few tests which are testing Unix specific behaviors which do not port, this is largely on parity with the Linux test suite. There are a total of 1706 tests on Windows that are running with Linux currently having 1714.

I think that it should be pointed out that in the recent months this effort has required work in Foundation and CoreFoundation and that the output of the compiler has not even been a concern. To me, this is an indication that the Windows support in the compiler and standard library has largely matured to the point where it is reliable. This is a huge step forward for the idea of portable code written in Swift, and should hopefully make it easier to bring codebases to all the platforms easily and uniformly.

This work would not have been possible without the tremendous help of@millenomi. Also, thanks to the various people who have tried to improve the state of the Foundation test suite on Windows (like@gmittertreiner,@spevans, and@lxbndr amongst others).

And to keep the tradition of screenshots alive:

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Michael Feathers / 刘未鹏 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2007-09-25 / 59.00元

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