内容简介:Recently I implementedThe solution is different from others in that it’s in language level, instead of writing tools such as preprocessor, svelte-draft itself is implemented inIn example
Recently I implemented svelte-draft , which is another way to add complete typescript support to svelte. I rewrote almost all examples in https://svelte.dev/tutorial and the result is repo svelte-draft-tutorial .
The solution is different from others in that it’s in language level, instead of writing tools such as preprocessor, svelte-draft itself is implemented in TypeDraft , which is a superset of typescript with built-in support for DSL extension, code transformation and literate programming.
Language support for reactivity
In example 2-reactivity/reactive-statements , we don’t need to use “$” to denote reactivity, instead we use DSL “watch”. The intention is clear here: watch count, if changed, execute the following statements.
React style component
We still use the React way to write component, and we don’t need to return JSX, just write it as is.
JSX as Template
We use JSX, but in template way, see examples in 4-logic :
We have “await ” tag to deal with promise, which is intuitive and straightforward:
And traditional “if” and “for” logic:
We can use slot with full power of typescript as well!
Transition & Animation
Let’s take transition as an example: 10-transitions/transition :
Return 0
That’s the basics of svelte-draft , and we also have template project and TodoMVC implementation .
Any feedback is welcome! :)
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
晋小彦 / 清华大学出版社 / 2014-1-1 / 59.00元
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CSS 压缩/解压工具
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