内容简介:Cassandra basic operations using cqlsh
本文是公司使用一段时间Cassandra后的总结,主要是一些基础操作,比较难理解的是Cassandra的 where
Cassandra 2.2.5
docker run -d --net host --name cca cassandra:2.2.5
- pip install cqlsh
cqlsh cca_ip cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra cca_ip
- show keyspaces
cassandra@cqlsh:raw> describe keyspaces; raw system_distributed system_auth system system_traces
- use keyspace
use raw;
- create keyspace
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS raw WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }
指定了负责备份数据的类 SimpleStrategy
,和备份因子 replication_factor
- drop keyspace
drop keyspace keyspace_name; drop keyspace raw;
- alter(change) keyspace
ALTER KEYSPACE “KeySpace Name” WITH replication = {'class': ‘Strategy name’, 'replication_factor' : ‘No.Of replicas’};
- show tables
cassandra@cqlsh:raw> describe tables; process_info_v1 cpu_usage_v1 container_info_v1 server_info_v1 mem_usage_v1
- create table
CREATE TABLE tablename( column1 name datatype PRIMARYKEY, column2 name data type, column3 name data type. )
- alter table
- add column
ALTER TABLE table name ADD new column datatype;
delete column reference
drop table
drop table table_name;
CQL (like SQL)
select * from table
insert into table (column1,...,column4) values (v1,...,v4)
UPDATE <tablename> SET <column name> = <new value> <column name> = <value>.... WHERE <condition>
DELETE FROM <identifier> WHERE <condition>; cqlsh:tutorialspoint> DELETE FROM emp WHERE emp_id=3;
where clause
Cassandra是分布式列式NoSQL数据库,和 SQL 数据库在许多方面都有区别。CQL中的主键 Primary key
和SQL中的 Primary key
有本质区别,这导致在 where
A deep look at the CQL WHERE clause
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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