The IBM® X-Force® Command Cyber Tactical Operations Center (C-TOC) provides the industry’s first mobile cyber range and watch floor, with 23 tons of cyber capabilities on wheels, wherever they are needed.
The X-Force Command C-TOC can be configured as an immersive training cyber range, a platform for red teaming and capture-the-flag competitions, or even a watch floor for special security events.
See how we built this unique cyber experience – the baddest thing on wheels.
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[斯洛文尼亚] Miran Lipovaca / 李亚舟、宋方睿 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-1
《haskell趣学指南》是一本讲解haskell这门函数式编程语言的入门指南,语言通俗易懂,插图生动幽默,示例短小清晰,结构安排合理。书中从haskell的基础知识讲起,涵盖了所有的基本概念和语法,内容涉及基本语法、递归、类型和类型类、函子、applicative 函子、monad、zipper及所有haskell重要特性和强大功能。 《haskell趣学指南》适合对函数式编程及haske......一起来看看 《Haskell趣学指南》 这本书的介绍吧!