Launch HN: PostHog (YC W20) – open-source product analytics

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:James, Tim and Aaron here - we are building a self-hosted, open source Mixpanel/Amplitude style product.Visit the repo at four years of working together, we originally quit our jobs to set up a company focused on tec

James, Tim and Aaron here - we are building a self-hosted, open source Mixpanel/Amplitude style product.

Visit the repo at

After four years of working together, we originally quit our jobs to set up a company focused on tech debt. We didn’t manage to solve that problem, but we learned how important product analytics were in finding users, getting them to try it out, and in understanding which features we needed to focus on to impact users.

However, when we installed product analytics, it bothered us how we needed to send our users’ data to 3rd parties. Exporting data from these tools costs $manyK a month, and it felt wrong from a privacy perspective. We designed PostHog to solve these problems.

We made PostHog to automatically capture every front-end click, removing the need to add track(‘event’) - it has a toolbar to label important events after they’re captured. That means you’re spending less time fixing your tracking. You can also push events too.

You can have API/SQL access to the underlying data, and it has analytics - funnels and event trends with segmentation based on event properties (like UTM tags).

That means we’ve got the best parts of the 3rd party analytics providers but are more privacy and developer friendly.

We’re thinking of adding features around paths/retention/pushing events to other tools (ie slack/your CRM). We’d love to hear your feature requests.

We are platform and language agnostic, with a very simple setup. If you want Python/Ruby/Node, we give you a library. For anything else, there’s an API. The repo has instructions for Heroku (1 click!), Docker or deploy from source.

We’ve launched this repo under MIT license so any developer can use the tool. The goal is to not charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for things like multiple users, user permissions, integrations with other databases, providing a hosted version and support.

Give it a spin: Let us know what you think.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Launch HN: PostHog (YC W20) – open-source product analytics》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






[美] Stephan Spencer(斯蒂芬.斯宾塞)、[美] Jimmy Harding(吉米.哈丁)、[美] Jennifer Sheahan(詹尼弗.希汉) / 谭磊 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-3 / 69.00元

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