内容简介:The first calculatorsSimultaneously with the abacuses, still during the pre-revolutionary years (1917), the logarithmic (slide) rulers were used in scientific circles, practically without change, since the XVII century. They were in service "serve smb. f
The first calculators
The first mechanical device used in Russia for computational purposes was theRussian abacus (schoty). This device became "the national calculator" and was used in cashier's offices down to the middle of the 90's. It is interesting to note that the textbook "Trade calculations" published in 1986 devotes a whole chapter to methods of calculation by using abacuses.
Simultaneously with the abacuses, still during the pre-revolutionary years (1917), the logarithmic (slide) rulers were used in scientific circles, practically without change, since the XVII century. They were in service "serve smb. faithfully" up to the appearance of calculators.
In an effort to automate the processing of calculations, the mankind begins to invent mechanical calculating devices. It is known that the Russian mathematician Chebyshev designed a calculator at the end of the XIX century, unfortunately the drawings were lost.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Soviet Calculators History》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
N.C.琼斯 / 第1版 (2007年7月1日) / 2007-7 / 45.0
这是一本关于生物信息学算法和计算思想的导论性教科书,原著由国际上的权威学者撰写,经国内知名专家精心翻译为中文,系统介绍推动生物信息学不断进步的算法原理。全书强调的是算法中思想的运用,而不是对表面上并不相关的各类问题进行简单的堆砌。 体现了以下特色: 阐述生物学中的相关问题,涉及对问题的模型化处理并提供一种或多种解决方案: 简要介绍生物信息学领域领军人物; 饶有趣味的小插图使得概念更加具体和形象,方......一起来看看 《生物信息学算法导论》 这本书的介绍吧!