This week in KDE: Plasma bug-fixing and Samba bug-squashing

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Oh and we also fixed some of the most long-standing issues with Samba shares. Check it all out:Upgrade to Plasma 5.18 and find all the bugs we missed! The first point release (i.e. Plasma 5.18.1) will be released in two days, so every bug report we get soo

Plasma 5.18 has been released ! A ton of work went into this release and we’re very proud of it. However I’d like to apologize for it being a bit buggier than we’d have preferred. We’ve gone balls-to-the-wall off the chain bananas fixing the issues you folks are reporting! Almost all of the highest-profile issues are fixed already, to be released with Plasma 5.18.1 in a few days! And we’ve got the less major regressions in our sights too! But still, we know that stability hasn’t always been our strong suit and we’re aiming for a higher standard next time, discussing how we can get there. So thank you for your patience and understanding, and enjoy Plasma 5.18!

Oh and we also fixed some of the most long-standing issues with Samba shares. Check it all out:

New Features

Bugfixes & Performance Improvements

User Interface Improvements

How You Can Help

Upgrade to Plasma 5.18 and find all the bugs we missed! The first point release (i.e. Plasma 5.18.1) will be released in two days, so every bug report we get soon is super important.

More generally, have a look at and find out more ways to help be part of a project that really matters. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE; you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to already be a programmer, either. I wasn’t when I got started. Try it, you’ll like it! We don’t bite!

Finally, consider making a tax-deductible donation to the KDE e.V. foundation .

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克里斯托弗•斯坦纳 / 李筱莹 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-6 / 49.00

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