13 Feb 2020
Racket v7.6
posted by John Clements
Racket version 7.6 is now available from https://racket-lang.org/ .
DrRacket’s scrolling has been made more responsive.
DrRacket’s dark mode support is improved for Mac OS and Unix.
Racket CS is ready for production use. We will work to further improve Racket CS before making it the default implementation, but it now consistently passes all of our integration tests and generally performs well. (Compiled code remains significantly larger compared to the default implementation.)
The Web Server provides fine-grained control over various aspects of handling client connections (timeouts, buffer sizes, maximum header counts, etc.) via the new “safety limits” construct.
Using this new construct, we have decreased the web server’s default level of trust in client connections and made it detect additional, maliciously constructed requests. Resource-intensive applications may need to adjust the default limits (for example, to accept large file uploads). In trusted settings, they can be disabled completely by starting the web server with #:safety-limits
The Web Server’s handling of large files is improved, and its latency for long-running request handlers is reduced.
The Macro Stepper has a new macro hiding algorithm that tracks term identity through syntax protection (see
), making macro hiding work more reliably. Its UI indicates protected and tainted syntax. -
The Racket documentation includes a “building and contributing” guide.
Contributors: Alex Harsanyi, Alex Knauth, Alex Muscar, Alexis King, Ben Greenman, Bogdan Popa, Brian Wignall, Dan Holtby, David K. Storrs, Dionna Glaze, Dominik Pantůček, Fred Fu, Geoff Shannon, Gustavo Massaccesi, Jack Firth, Jay McCarthy, Jens Axel Søgaard, Jesse Alama, Joel Dueck, John Clements, Jordan Johnson, Julien Delplanque, Leo Uino, Luka Hadži-Đokić, Luke Lau, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen, Mike Sperber, Paulo Matos, Philip McGrath, Reuben Thomas, Robby Findler, Ross Angle, Ryan Culpepper, Sage Gerard, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Shu-Hung You, Sorawee Porncharoenwase, Stephen De Gabrielle, Syntacticlosure, Timo Wilken, Tommy McHugh, Winston Weinert, Zaoqi
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