内容简介:Why a rotary cellphone? Because in a finicky, annoying, touchscreen world of hyperconnected people using phones they have no control over or understanding of, I wanted something that would be entirely mine, personal, and absolutely tactile,while also givin
Why a rotary cellphone? Because in a finicky, annoying, touchscreen world of hyperconnected people using phones they have no control over or understanding of, I wanted something that would be entirely mine, personal, and absolutely tactile,while also giving me an excuse for not texting.
The point isn't to be anachronistic. It's to show that it's possible to have a perfectly usable phone that goes as far from having a touchscreen as I can imagine, and which in some ways may actually be more functional. More functional how?
- Real, removable antenna with an SMA connector. Receptions is excellent, and if I really want to I could always attach a directional antenna.
- When I want a phone I don't have to navigate through menus to get to the phone "application". That's bullshit.
- If I want to call my husband, I can do so by pressing a single dedicated physical key which is dediated to him. No menus. The point isn't to use the rotary dial every single time I want to make a call, which would get tiresome for daily use. The people I call most often are stored, and if I have to dial a new number, or do something like set the volume, then I can use the fun and satisfying-to-use rotary dial.
- Nearlt instantaneous, high resolution of signal strength and battery level. No signal metering lag, and my LED bargraph gives 10 increments of resolution instead of just 4.
- The ePaper display is bistatic, meaning it doesn't take any energy to display a fixed message.
- When I want to change something about the phones behavior, I just do it.
- The power switch is an actual slide switch. No holding down a stupid button to make it turn off and not being sure it really is turning off or what.
So it's not just a show-and-tell piece... My intent is to use it as my primary phone. It fits in a pocket.; It's reasonably compact; calling the people I most often call is faster than with my old phone, and the battery lasts almost 24 hours.
Technical overview:
The rotary mechanism comes from a particular style of Trimline telephone. Trimline phones had a more compact rotary dial than the standard Bell system phones, making it a good choice when keeping the final device as compact as possible is paramount. There are a couple other instances of rotary cell phones floating around the internet, one of which has what looks like a custom tiny rotary dial that needs a stylus to dial, but I wanted this to have a recognizably-classic rotary dial.
The main board uses the ATmega2560V microcontroller with an 8MHz external resonator. It's programmed as an Arduino Mega2560. Although the cell tranceiver is an Adafruit FONA 3G, this doesn't use the FONA Arduino libraries. Instead the mainboard code sends serial commands ("AT commands") directly to the FONA over a software serial link. The ePaper display is the Adafruit 2.13" Flexible Monochrome eInk display using Jean-Marc Zingg's GxEPD2 library.
The board was fabbed by pcbway.com in China but was populated by hand (including the .5mm pitch footprint for the ATmega chip). Had to do some odd things to make everything fit perfectly in the casing (slanted header for FONA module, slanted eInk Friend daughterboard, blah blah).
If you want to make this it would be a good idea to send me an email for notes that I haven't had a chance to document yet.
The code is an ongoing work. Functionality as of this writing is limited, but it makes and receieves calls reliably.
Open source. All design files (KiCad, Arduino code, mecanical STLs) availablehere.
Project Progression:
Originally I was intent on making this a quick and dirty project. I laid everything out flat to make a proof of principle phone and used an Arduino Micro as the controller:
Then I thought I'd just stuff it into a 3D printed enclosure. Let's call this v1:
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[日] 矢泽久雄 / 李逢俊 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-4 / 39.00元
本书从计算机的内部结构开始讲起,以图配文的形式详细讲解了二进制、内存、数据压缩、源文件和可执行文件、操作系统和应用程序的关系、汇编语言、硬件控制方法等内容,目的是让读者了解从用户双击程序图标到程序开始运行之间到底发生了什么。同时专设了“如果是你,你会怎样介绍?”专栏,以小学生、老奶奶为对象讲解程序的运行原理,颇为有趣。本书图文并茂,通俗易懂,非常适合计算机爱好者及相关从业人员阅读。一起来看看 《程序是怎样跑起来的》 这本书的介绍吧!