内容简介:A web application that allows to query programmers with their skills via aYou need to have
A web application that allows to query programmers with their skills via a GraphQL API. The application is implemented with Go and gqlgen on the backend side and React on the front end side. MongoDB is used as a database.
System requirements
You need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed in oder to build and run the project. No additional tools required.
How to build and run in production mode
docker-compose up
Access the application via http://localhost:8080 . Access the GraphQL Playground using http://localhost:8080/playground .
How to develop locally
In order to develop the app locally the following tools are required: Docker , Docker Compose (if you are on Mac or Windows it comes installed with Docker), Node.js and Go .
Verify if your environment is ready by running the following 4 commands:
docker --version docker-compose --version npm --version go version
Start the dev DB
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
This will start a local MongoDB which will be accessible on port 27017
. The DB will be populated with test records from mongo.init .
Start the server
Navigate to the /server
folder and execute:
go run server.go
This will compile and run the back end part. As a result, the API and the GraphQL playground will be available.
Start the Front End dev server
Navigate to the /webapp
folder and execute the following commands:
npm install npm start
As a result, the web site will be accessible on http://localhost:3000 .
The changes on the front end side will be automatically applied once a file is saved. The changes in the back end code require restarting the back end.
The database starts with a preloaded set of data which can be customized in the mongo.init file .
Here is an example of a GraphQL query which can be run in the Playground :
query { programmers(skill: "go") { name, picture, title, company, skills { name, icon, importance } } }
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