Refactor Common CLI Tools

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:All of us command line fans have our common CLI tools ready for tasks such as jq for json manipulation and curl for creating http requests.I decided to revisit this tools and refactor them to check if i can make them more flexible and easy to use basically

Refactor Common CLI Tools

All of us command line fans have our common CLI tools ready for tasks such as jq for json manipulation and curl for creating http requests.

I decided to revisit this tools and refactor them to check if i can make them more flexible and easy to use basically to make them a bit more modern.

This is the tools i created:

1. json-cli-tool - Manipulate json.

2. loop-pipe - Loop over piped data.

3. transform-cli - Transform data types for now just from and to base64.

* just to mention github-kit-cli this is the gkc in the example, basically until Github will finish their cli this is my solution.

gkc search repos -p="q=org:niradler" | jc --path="items" --flatMap="name" --output="newline" | lp "gkc repos getContents --p=\"owner=niradler&repo={v}&\" | jc --path=\"content\" | tc --ft=\"base64\" --tt=\"txt\""

Lets breaks this down:

1.  query Github API to get my repos names. (gkc)

2. manipulate JSON response to a flattered list. (jc)

3. loop over the list of repos and run commands for each repo. (lp)

This tools will probably not replace jq, sed, xargs and others but i find them more easy to use so i can save this big guns for more heavy duty.

This is just a POC to test if this path is even a thing, do i really want to refactor an amazing tools that have been battle tests ? not sure about this, but for now im enjoying the easy usage, and testing new capabilities.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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