Abstract: Asynchronous interfaces allow users to concurrently issue requests while existing ones are processed. While it is widely used to support non-blocking input when there is latency, it's not clear if people can make use of asynchrony as the data is updating, since the UI updates dynamically and the changes can be hard to interpret. Interactive data visualization presents an interesting context for studying the effects of asynchronous interfaces, since interactions are frequent, task latencies can vary widely, and results often require interpretation.
In this paper, we study the effects of introducing asynchrony into interactive visualizations, under different latencies, and with different tasks. We observe that traditional asynchronous interfaces, where results update in place, induce users to wait for the result before interacting, not taking advantage of the asynchronous rendering of the results. However, when results are rendered cumulatively over the recent history, users perform asynchronous interactions and get faster task completion times.
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鸟哥 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-6-28 / 88.00元
本书是最具知名度的Linux入门书《鸟哥的Linux私房菜基础学习篇》的最新版,全面而详细地介绍了Linux操作系统。全书分为5个部分:第一部分着重说明Linux的起源及功能,如何规划和安装Linux主机;第二部分介绍Linux的文件系统、文件、目录与磁盘的管理;第三部分介绍文字模式接口 shell和管理系统的好帮手shell脚本,另外还介绍了文字编辑器vi和vim的使用方法;第四部分介绍了对于系......一起来看看 《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》 这本书的介绍吧!