Abstract: Asynchronous interfaces allow users to concurrently issue requests while existing ones are processed. While it is widely used to support non-blocking input when there is latency, it's not clear if people can make use of asynchrony as the data is updating, since the UI updates dynamically and the changes can be hard to interpret. Interactive data visualization presents an interesting context for studying the effects of asynchronous interfaces, since interactions are frequent, task latencies can vary widely, and results often require interpretation.
In this paper, we study the effects of introducing asynchrony into interactive visualizations, under different latencies, and with different tasks. We observe that traditional asynchronous interfaces, where results update in place, induce users to wait for the result before interacting, not taking advantage of the asynchronous rendering of the results. However, when results are rendered cumulatively over the recent history, users perform asynchronous interactions and get faster task completion times.
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(美)埃弗雷姆·特班(Efraim Turban)、戴维.金(David King)、李在奎、梁定澎、德博拉·特班(Deborrah Turban) / 时启亮、陈育君、占丽 / 机械工业出版社 / 2014-1-1 / 79.00元
本书对电子学习、电子政务、基于web的供应链、协同商务等专题进行了详细的介绍,全书涵盖丰富的资料以及个案,讨论了Web 2.0环境内的产业结构、竞争变化以及对当今社会的影响。另外,本书在消费者行为、协同商务、网络安全、网络交易及客户管理管理、电子商务策略等内容上都有最新的改编,提供读者最新颖的内容,贴近当代电子商务的现实。 本书适合高等院校电子商务及相关专业的本科生、研究生及MBA学员,也可......一起来看看 《电子商务:管理与社交网络视角(原书第7版)》 这本书的介绍吧!