NanoTritium 20-Year Betavoltaic Battery

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

City Labs P-Series NanoTritium™ Betavoltaics

The NanoTritium™ betavoltaic power source provides a source of continuous power for twenty years or more in microelectronic platforms.  Applications include environmental pressure/temperature sensors, intelligence sensors, medical implants, trickle charging lithium batteries, semi-passive and active RFIDs (radio frequency identification), silicon clocks, SRAM memory backup, deep-sea oil well sensors, lower power processors (e.g. ASICs, FPGAs, MicroController Units, etc.).

NanoTritium 20-Year Betavoltaic Battery

NanoTritium 20-Year Betavoltaic Battery

Power Specifications
P100 Series
Open Circuit Voltage
0.8 Volts 1.6 Volts 2.4 Volts
Short Circuit Current*


P200 Series
Open Circuit Voltage
0.8 Volts 1.6 Volts 2.4 Volts
Short Circuit Current*
156 microamps 78 microamps 52 microamps


Operational Parameters
Temperature Range: -40ºC to +80ºC
External Pressure: 3.6psi (0.245 atm)to 14.7 psi
(1.0 atm)
Vibration: 25 Hz to 500 Hz at 5g Peak Amplitude
P100 a,b,c < 2 curies
P200 a,b ≤ 100 curies

Exponential Power Decay

time and power
Time(yrs) Power(µW)
0 100.00
2 89.28
4 79.72
6 71.17
8 63.55
10 56.74
12 50.66
14 45.23
16 40.38
18 36.05
20 32.19

NanoTritium 20-Year Betavoltaic Battery

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