Your Second Kotlin Android App [FREE]

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

Create a List


4:13 Free

A journey of a thousand android apps begins with the creation of your second one. Learn about the course objectives and what you will build.

This episode will get you started on making your second app as well as explain some of the project creation features.

Being successful in Android Studio means knowing how to customize it to your workflow. Let's dive in!



Learn how to modernize your app by updating the Android Support Library to AndroidX.

This episode breaks down a RecyclerView and shows why you'd use it instead of a ListView.

An adapter is a critical component for the RecyclerView. Here, you'll create one for your RecyclerView and connect it to your adapter.

Challenge time! With your adapter created, you just need to hook it up to the activity.

In this episode, you'll create your view holder and pass it to your RecyclerView.

Bind Data


Now that you have your RecyclerView set up, learn how to bind data to the view holder.



With your list set up, you're just getting started. Find out what the next steps are.

Save Preferences

Review what you'll be learning in this part of the course, and why it's important.

Learn about the floating action button and some of the best practices in using them.

This episode teaches the basics of dialogs and shows how to incorporate them into your app.

Challenge time! This challenge will have you update the RecyclerView from the end user.

Shared Preferences are the primary means in which you'll save data. In this episode, learn to read and write data.

Your challenge in this episode: create an instance of your ListDataManager to use in your app.

Learn how to save your task lists in shared preferences and read them back again.

When working with apps, it's useful to think in primary and secondary colors. Android Material Design gives you the tools to make this possible.



With your data being saved, all that's left is to pass data between activities. Find out how in the next part.

Multiple Activities

Apps come with a lot of different activities - in this part, you'll learn how to pass data between them.



This episode will give you an overview of working with intents in Android. Let's dive in!

Intent filters work hand in hand with Intents to provide functionality to your app.

In this episode, master the process of launching a new activity with an intent.



Parcels are another way to pass data, which is useful for packaging objects, and it's all done with an interface.

With all the pieces finally in place, learn how to incorporate them into your app.

You started this course by being shown how to add a Recycler View. Now, your challenge is to add one on your own.

Now that you have a new Recycler View in place, learn to set up its layout.

With the Recycler View set up, the next task is to add items to it by way of a floating action button.

Activities not only present layouts to the user, but they can also provide data to other activities.



You can now work with multiple activities, but you're only getting warmed up. Keep going to leverage fragments and take your activities to the next level!

Work with Fragments

Learn about fragments, which are a great way to compartmentalize your activities for different screen sizes.

To get started with fragments, the first step is to create one! Let's dive in.

This episode shows how to take your new fragment and incorporate it into an activity.

Learn how to use the fragment manager to display your fragment to the end user.

With one fragment in place, your challenge is to create a new one for your list detail activity.

This episode covers the process of creating a fragment by passing data into the arguments.



Now that you understand fragments, you can use them to simplify your entire app by leveraging Android Jetpack in the upcoming part.

Use Jetpack Navigation and ViewModel

In this part, level-up your Android skills by incorporating Android Jetpack in your app.

This episode covers the basics of Android Jetpack and provides an overview of the technologies available.

Instead of working with multiple activities, create one activity and compose your screens with fragments.

This episode walks you through the process of converting your task detail activity into fragments.

A ViewModel takes makes working with data easy, especially when using a single activity architecture.

Learn how to incorporate a navigation graph into your app to visually lay out all your fragments.

Safe Args is another great feature of Android Jetpack to allow fragments to pass data to one another.



Congrats on completing the course, and on building your second app! Find out where to go next.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[美]Curtis "Ovid" Poe / 朱允刚、韩雷、叶斌 / 清华大学出版社 / 2013-9-20 / 78.00

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