fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in browser.This is port from my early python script called


Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in browser.

This is port from my early python script called which_fonts_support , but with some improvements:

  • Write in Rust, safe and faster
  • Use Fontconfig library instead of depends on fc-list command installed
  • Support preview in shell (powered by FreeType ), no browser needed

Install or Update

cargo install -f fontfor



$ fontfor א
Font(s) support the character "א"(U+05D0, 1488, 0xD7 0x90):
Arial                       with 4 styles
Arial Hebrew                with 3 styles
Arial Hebrew Desk Interface with 3 styles
Arial Hebrew Scholar        with 3 styles
Arial Unicode MS            with 1 style
Corsiva Hebrew              with 2 styles
Courier New                 with 4 styles
DejaVu Sans                 with 8 styles
FreeMono                    with 4 styles
FreeSans                    with 4 styles
FreeSerif                   with 4 styles
HanaMinA                    with 1 style
LastResort                  with 1 style
Lucida Grande               with 2 styles
Microsoft Sans Serif        with 1 style
New Peninim MT              with 4 styles
Raanana                     with 2 styles
TW-Kai                      with 1 style
TW-Sung                     with 1 style
Tahoma                      with 2 styles
Times New Roman             with 4 styles

Character Input Format

You can use the following formats for the character:

  • Character: א
  • Unicode scalar value
    • U+XXXXXX : U+5d0 , U+05d0 , U+0005d0
    • Direct input
  • UTF8 bytes: 0xd790

Show All Font Styles

add -v flag to show all font style.

We don't show screenshot picture here because it's a bit long.

Preview in Browser

Add -p flag to enable browser preview:

fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...

Preview in Shell

Add -t flag to enter tui mode for preview in shell:

fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...

And you can change render mode to ASCII(10 Level):

fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...

ASCII(70 Level):

fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...

Or moon-render mode:

fontfor: Find fonts which can show a specified character and preview them in terminal or br...


GPLv3 or later.


以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






Kevin D.Mitnick、William L.Simon / 袁月杨、谢衡 / 清华大学 / 2007-1 / 39.00元

《入侵的艺术》中四个志同道合的伙伴使用口袋大小的计算机在拉斯维加斯大把挣钱。一个无聊的加拿大小伙子居然能够非法访问南部的一家银行。几个年轻人被拉登的恐怖分子征召去攻击Lockheed Martin公司和防御信息系统网络。   [精彩试读一]   [精彩试读二]一起来看看 《入侵的艺术》 这本书的介绍吧!

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