ClickHouse and MySQL – Better Together

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:There are two features:By enabling MySQL protocol in ClickHouse server, you will allow for the MySQL command line tool or applications that typically connect to MySQL to connect to ClickHouse and execute queries.

ClickHouse and MySQL – Better Together It’s been a while since I wrote about ClickHouse, there are a lot of new features that are worth mentioning, and for this, I recommend to follow the Altinity Blog but today I want to look at the improved integration of ClickHouse and MySQL.

There are two features:

  1. Using MySQL protocol and MySQL client to connect to ClickHouse
  2. Use MySQL tables to select and join with ClickHouse tables

Using MySQL Protocol

By enabling MySQL protocol in ClickHouse server, you will allow for the MySQL command line tool or applications that typically connect to MySQL to connect to ClickHouse and execute queries.

With this, keep in mind:

  • It does not automatically allow you to use MySQL SQL syntax, you still need to write queries in ClickHouse-dialect.
  • The same issue with datatypes. ClickHouse uses Int32/Int64 instead of INT/BIGINT and String instead of VARCHAR, so most likely management tools like MySQL Workbench won’t work.

How do you enable MySQL protocol? Actually it is easy, you add to config:


And after a ClickHouse restart you can connect with mysql command line:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P9001 -udefault -padmin

And after that, we can work as we usually work from MySQL command line. Some examples with ontime databases :

mysql> use default;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| name   |
| ontime |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Read 1 rows, 31.00 B in 0.000 sec., 2038 rows/sec., 61.71 KiB/sec.

Select count from ontime tables (I loaded data only for the Jan-2017 to Nov-2019 timeframe)

select count(*) from ontime;
| count()  |
| 19684341 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Read 1 rows, 4.01 KiB in 0.000 sec., 2150 rows/sec., 8.42 MiB/sec.

And now we can run some analytical queries, e.g., what ten airports had the most departures for the given time frame:

mysql> SELECT Origin,count(*) cnt FROM ontime GROUP BY Origin ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;  
| Origin | cnt     |
| ATL    | 1117414 |
| ORD    |  911572 |
| DFW    |  739334 |
| DEN    |  689847 |
| LAX    |  637070 |
| CLT    |  562160 |
| SFO    |  507377 |
| PHX    |  488398 |
| IAH    |  467543 |
| LAS    |  463627 |
10 rows in set (0.03 sec)
Read 19684341 rows, 93.86 MiB in 0.027 sec., 726992466 rows/sec., 3.39 GiB/sec.

And what the most popular routes are:

mysql> SELECT Origin,Dest,count(*) cnt FROM ontime GROUP BY Origin,Dest ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;
| Origin | Dest  | cnt   |
| SFO    | LAX   | 44419 |
| LAX    | SFO   | 44204 |
| LGA    | ORD   | 39276 |
| ORD    | LGA   | 39141 |
| LAX    | JFK   | 37309 |
| JFK    | LAX   | 37256 |
| LAX    | LAS   | 33780 |
| LAS    | LAX   | 33757 |
| OGG    | HNL   | 29619 |
| HNL    | OGG   | 29616 |
10 rows in set (0.05 sec)
Read 19684341 rows, 187.73 MiB in 0.053 sec., 372125496 rows/sec., 3.47 GiB/sec.

Well, I can do this all day long, but let me just show the last query which highlights the difference in syntax.

Assume we want to get the data from the previous query but per year (ten most popular routes per year). The most elegant solution to get this is to use WINDOW functions, which are supported in MySQL 8 but not yet supported in ClickHouse. However, ClickHouse has a workaround for this one special case. We can get the result we need using the LIMIT BY extension (not to be confused with LIMIT ).

For ClickHouse we write:

mysql> SELECT Year,Origin,Dest,count(*) cnt FROM ontime GROUP BY Year,Origin,Dest ORDER BY Year asc,cnt DESC LIMIT 5 BY Year;
| Year | Origin | Dest  | cnt   |
| 2017 | SFO    | LAX   | 15786 |
| 2017 | LAX    | SFO   | 15564 |
| 2017 | JFK    | LAX   | 12758 |
| 2017 | LAX    | JFK   | 12752 |
| 2017 | LAX    | LAS   | 11032 |
| 2018 | ORD    | LGA   | 15281 |
| 2018 | LGA    | ORD   | 15279 |
| 2018 | SFO    | LAX   | 15158 |
| 2018 | LAX    | SFO   | 15143 |
| 2018 | LAX    | JFK   | 12791 |
| 2019 | ORD    | LGA   | 13696 |
| 2019 | LGA    | ORD   | 13691 |
| 2019 | LAX    | SFO   | 13497 |
| 2019 | SFO    | LAX   | 13475 |
| 2019 | LAX    | JFK   | 11766 |
15 rows in set (0.07 sec)
Read 19684341 rows, 225.27 MiB in 0.073 sec., 270137514 rows/sec., 3.02 GiB/sec.

JOIN with MySQL Tables.

The feature to get data from MySQL using dictionaries in ClickHouse was implemented long ago, but it was not convenient, leading to using non-standard SQL extensions. Since then, two new features were implemented in ClickHouse:

  • Support of JOIN syntax
  • Support of external tables

This allows us to run more familiar queries with the mix of MySQL and ClickHouse tables. Before we jump to an example, let’s review why this is needed.

The typical data analytics design assumes there are big fact tables with references to dimension tables (aka dictionaries if using ClickHouse lexicon). For a detailed example, see Star Schema .

Dimension tables may be changed/updated more frequently, and ClickHouse does not quite like it, as it operates in more append-only like mode. So we may want to store Dimension tables in OLTP databases, like MySQL. This, by the way, also helps with GDPR policies for personalized data removal. In case you store all personal data in a denormalized fact table, it becomes very complicated to remove it. In contrast, if the personal data is stored in a dimension table, it is quite easy to anonymize it.

So let’s go back to our example.

Ontime table (fact tables) has a reference field AirlineID, which is not very helpful, as we want to see the airline name in our report.

The data for the AirlineID – AirlineName lookup (dimension) table, can be found on the BTS website .

It looks like this:

ClickHouse and MySQL – Better Together

We load this data into a MySQL table:

  name VARCHAR(255)
select count(*) from airlines;
| count(*) |
|     1671 |

Now, how do we connect this table to ClickHouse? For this, in ClickHouse we create a table with “MySQL table engine”:

Clickhouse -> (and we can connect to it with mysql client tool, see part one).

CREATE TABLE airlinesclick
    `id` Int32,
    `name` String
ENGINE = MySQL('', 'click', airlines, 'sbtest', 'sbtest');

Now we can execute a query which joins ClickHouse fact table, ontime, and MySQL dimension table airlines, to report the top ten airlines with the most departures:

SELECT name,count(*) cnt FROM ontime JOIN airlinesclick ON GROUP BY name ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;
| name                        | cnt     |
| Southwest Airlines Co.: WN  | 3931500 |
| Delta Air Lines Inc.: DL    | 2783305 |
| American Airlines Inc.: AA  | 2680537 |
| SkyWest Airlines Inc.: OO   | 2245105 |
| United Air Lines Inc.: UA   | 1780665 |
| JetBlue Airways: B6         |  875858 |
| Alaska Airlines Inc.: AS    |  673652 |
| ExpressJet Airlines LLC: EV |  665911 |
| Republic Airline: YX        |  616362 |
| Envoy Air: MQ               |  595908 |
10 rows in set (0.05 sec)
Read 19686012 rows, 75.15 MiB in 0.050 sec., 394346280 rows/sec., 1.47 GiB/sec.

To summarize what just happened: We executed a query in ClickHouse using normal human-readable JOIN syntax (compare to queries in ClickHouse in a General Analytical Workload (Based on a Star Schema Benchmark) and join tables stored in different servers: MySQL and ClickHouse.

If I am to illustrate:

ClickHouse and MySQL – Better Together

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《ClickHouse and MySQL – Better Together》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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