内容简介:I'm going to show you you can loan a public cloud IP adress to your minikube cluster from your managed cloud Kubernetes cluster.After following my tutorial, you'll be able to run a local service onFor the tutorial we'll be using a popular Open Source netwo
I'm going to show you you can loan a public cloud IP adress to your minikube cluster from your managed cloud Kubernetes cluster.
After following my tutorial, you'll be able to run a local service on minikube and have it appear with a public IP through your Kubernetes cluster. You may be familiar with the inlets-operator , which can public IPs by provisioning tiny VMs and running the inlets server there, but today we're going to do things differently.
For the tutorial we'll be using a popular Open Source networking tunnel and service proxy called inlets . Inlets is listed on the CNCF landscape .
The traditional usage of inlets is as a client/server pair, where the client runs behind a restrictive firewall or NAT configuration. A server is created manually or via inletsctl / inlets-operator which has a public IP. Once the two are connected, then users can access the private service via the IP of the public server.
Setup a cloud Kubernetes cluster
This step is important, you must use a managed Kubernetes offering which can give you a LoadBalancer, such as an ALB or ELB in the AWS ecosystem.
I'm going to use AWS EKS because the Open Source team gave me a small amount of credits to use for writing tutorials like this.
Get the Weaveworks CLI eksctl:
curl --silent --location "https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/download/latest_release/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
Now install the AWS CLI and configure your ~/.aws/credentials
file or environment variables.
Now authenticate:
eksctl create cluster # Or customise eksctl create cluster \ --nodes 1 \ --node-type t3.large \ --region eu-west-1
Once up and running you'll have a production-grade cluster from AWS which can issue LoadBalancers, this is how we'll be getting a public IP when required.
Run minikube, KinD, or some other local Kubernetes cluster
I'm a big fan of the speed of k3s, k3d, and KinD for local Kubernetes development, but minikube is still very popular with the community. Let's use that.
You will need a minikube VM driver , too
Once done, you can create a local cluster:
minikube start
Schedule a workload on your minikube cluster
We now need to schedule a workload on our local minikube cluster. This is the service which needs a public IP.
Let's use my Express.js + Node.js microservice
git clone https://github.com/alexellis/expressjs-k8s cd expressjs-k8s kubectl apply -f ./yaml/dep.yaml
Now we have a deployment running, but need to create a service for it.
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/svc.yaml
You should be able to access the service via curl
and a port-forward
kubectl port-forward deploy/expressjs 8080:8080 & curl -s | jq [ { "name": "github", "url": "https://github.com/alexellis" }, { "name": "twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/alexellisuk" }, { "name": "blog", "url": "https://blog.alexellis.io" }, { "name": "sponsors", "url": "https://github.com/users/alexellis/sponsorship" } ]
Note that our service exposes port 8080 and is named "expressjs".
Start an inlets-server on the cloud cluster
Now let's start an inlets-server on the cloud cluster. Normally we'd simply use the inlets-operator for this stage, and it would automate everything for us. In this tutorial we're trying to use a cloud Kubernetes cluster as our exit-node, rather than a VM.
Set your Kubernetes context to point at the remote cloud cluster.
kubectl config get-contexts kubectl config set-context <CONTEXT>
Generate a token to be used by the inlets client to authenticate to the inlets server.
export TOKEN=$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d" " -f1) kubectl create secret generic inlets-token --from-literal token=$TOKEN echo The token is: $TOKEN echo $TOKEN > inlets-token.txt
You need to record this token and use it again in the minikube cluster.
Create the exit-server deployment and service
Now create a deployment for the inlets-server:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: inlets-server spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: inlets-server template: metadata: labels: app: inlets-server spec: containers: - name: inlets-server image: inlets/inlets:2.6.3 imagePullPolicy: Always command: ["inlets"] args: - "server" - "--control-port=8123" - "--port=8080" - "--token-from=/var/inlets/token" volumeMounts: - name: inlets-token-volume mountPath: /var/inlets/ volumes: - name: inlets-token-volume secret: secretName: inlets-token
You can use kubectl apply -f -
and then paste the text above.
We now need a LoadBalancer service, to get a public IP:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: inlets-server labels: app: inlets-server spec: type: LoadBalancer ports: - name: inlets-data port: 8080 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 nodePort: 30080 - name: inlets-control port: 8123 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8123 nodePort: 30023 selector: app: inlets-server
If you've ever tried to use a LoadBalancer with EKS before, you'll remember that you get a DNS entry, and not an actual IP. That's OK, don't worry.
You'll see two ports: 8080 and 8123, the data port can be whatever you like, so you could have used port 80 if you wanted.
For the control port I've picked 8123, so that the two don't clash, you can also customise this value if you like.
If you want to create a DNS record, you can use a "CNAME" and paste in the output from the kubectl command.
kubectl get svc/inlets -o wide NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) inlets LoadBalancer a25ab4229452511eaadd40a443f60541-488879946.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com 8080:30080/TCP,8128:30081/TCP
Note the EXTERNAL_IP down now, which is actually a DNS entry.
When completed, our users will connect to the EXTERNAL_IP using port 8080 and the inlets-client will connect in via port 8128 to establish a persistent websocket.
You can see the logs and check on the server deployment:
kubectl get deploy/inlets-server NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE inlets-server 1/1 1 1 46s kubectl logs deploy/inlets-server 2020/02/01 18:59:16 Welcome to inlets.dev! Find out more at https://github.com/inlets/inlets 2020/02/01 18:59:16 Starting server - version 2.6.3 2020/02/01 18:59:16 Server token: "3de9710abadb56509eb8e634777bcbddad194331" 2020/02/01 18:59:16 Data Plane Listening on :8080 2020/02/01 18:59:16 Control Plane Listening on :8123
Start an inlets-client inside minikube
Use kubectl get-contexts
and kubectl set-context
to make sure that kubectl is pointing at the minikube cluster.
If you want to check that you're in the correct cluster, at any time run: kubectl cluster-info
Create a secret for the inlets-client to use, this must use the value entered in the public cloud cluster:
kubectl create secret generic inlets-token --from-literal token=$(cat inlets-token.txt)
Start the inlets-client
The inlets-client will connect to the inlets-server and establish a bi-directional websocket. For any requests that hit the inlets-server, they will be redirected top the inlets-client inside our local minikube cluster.
We just need to set three things:
- the remote cluster's LoadBalancer IP (a DNS-entry, for EKS users), use ws:// for plaintext and wss:// for TLS. -
- the authentication secret name (inlets-token
) for the authentication between inlets -
- the upstream address that inlets needs to point at i.e.http://expressjs.default:8080
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: inlets-client spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: inlets-client template: metadata: labels: app: inlets-client spec: containers: - name: inlets-client image: inlets/inlets:2.6.3 imagePullPolicy: Always command: ["inlets"] args: - "client" - "--remote=ws://a25ab4229452511eaadd40a443f60541-488879946.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8123" - "--upstream=http://expressjs.default:8080" - "--token-from=/var/inlets/token" volumeMounts: - name: inlets-token-volume mountPath: /var/inlets/ volumes: - name: inlets-token-volume secret: secretName: inlets-token
Edit the above text, then paste it into kubectl apply -f -
, or use kubectl apply -f filename.yaml
You can see the logs and check on the client deployment:
kubectl get deploy/inlets-client NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE inlets-client 1/1 1 1 46s kubectl logs deploy/inlets-client 2020/02/01 18:56:29 Welcome to inlets.dev! Find out more at https://github.com/inlets/inlets 2020/02/01 18:56:29 Starting client - version 2.6.3 2020/02/01 18:56:29 Upstream: => http://expressjs.default:8080 2020/02/01 18:56:29 Token: "3de9710abadb56509eb8e634777bcbddad194331" time="2020-02-01T18:56:29Z" level=info msg="Connecting to proxy" url="ws://a25ab4229452511eaadd40a443f60541-488879946.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8123/tunnel"
Connect to your new service via the cloud cluster
You can now connect to the expressjs service via the cloud IP.
curl -s -i http://a25ab4229452511eaadd40a443f60541-488879946.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8080/links
You can also create a Route53 DNS record for the LoadBalancer, for instance expressjs.example.com.
You can see the curl working with the public URL
Here's the website rendered with Copyright 2019.
Let's use kubectl
against our local cluster to change to a newer Docker image that presents Copyright 2020 instead and refresh the page:
Remember to use your minikube context for this:
kubectl get deploy -o wide NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTOR expressjs 1/1 1 1 39m expressjs alexellis2/service:0.3.5 app=expressjs
I pushed a new version of the image tag as 0.3.6
, so let's update it:
kubectl set image deployment/expressjs expressjs=alexellis2/service:0.3.6 deployment.apps/expressjs image updated
Now check back on the public URL via our EKS cluster:
Tidy up your public Kubernetes cluster
The inlets-operator is a much cheaper way to run an exit-node than using a managed Kubernetes cluster, but if your corporate already has an account, or you get free credits, then the approach we used here could be a better option for you.
You should be able to clean up all the resources with:
# In the public cloud cluster kubectl delete svc/inlets-server kubectl deploy svc/inlets-server # In the local cluster kubectl delete svc/inlets-client kubectl deploy svc/inlets-client # Delete the clusters if you wish eksctl delete cluster minikube delete
Take it further
Easy encryption with inlets-pro
If you'd like to enable encryption out of the box, you can use inlets-pro instead, which also comes with a Docker image ready for you. Follow one of my inlets-pro tutorials .
Setup an Ingress record and TLS certificate
Rather than creating a LoadBalancer for each service we want to expose, you could use your favourite IngressController and create a simple ingress record that points at the inlets-service. Just change it to a ClusterIP.
Take it easy on yourself and use the inlets-operator
The inlets-operator makes all this automated, and provisions a cheap VM for each tunnel. Life is too short, enjoy it while you can with our custom-built automation. Support exists for Packet, DigitalOcean, Scaleway, AWS and more. Feel free to raise a PR or suggestion if your cloud provider is missing and you'd like to request it.
Learn inlets
inlets on the CNCF landscape
inlets is a rich tool with its own automation, tutorials, podcasts, videos, and community.
Get help adopting inlets from the OpenFaaS Slack in the
channel - Slack -
Apply for a free trial for inlets-pro
Try the inlets-operator instead
If you'd like to explore commercial use of inlets-pro, feel free to send an email to sales@openfaas.com
For comments and suggestions, you can follow @inletsdev on Twitter
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