pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

Command completion in bash, zsh, fish is awesome! Unfortunately, even though there are thousands of great command-line tools in the npm registry, I cannot recall any (except the npm CLI) that comes with command completion.

A few weeks ago nikoladev suggested to implement autompletion in pnpm . After a brief investigation, I have found a brilliant tool that helps with autocompletion of CLI apps written in Node.js. This tool is called tabtab and is currently not maintained, so I forked it and added autocompletions to pnpm:ok_hand:.

To set up autocompletion, just update pnpm to v4.9 and run pnpm install-completion .

Let's see what you can do with it.

Type pnpm <tab-tab> and see all the available commands:

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

Type pnpm remove <tab-tab> and see the list of dependencies currently installed. This also works with pnpm update and pnpm outdated .

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

Type pnpm --filter <tab-tab> and see the list of projects in the workspace:

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

Type pnpm run <tab-tab> and see the list of available scripts:

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

Type any command, type tab-tab and see the list of supported options:

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

Type an option and see the possible values:

pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!

And these are just a few examples! Happy tabbing:smiley:

In a future version of pnpm we will also add descriptions to completions:heart_eyes:

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《pnpm v4.9 comes with command completion!》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






周鸿祎 / 中信出版社 / 2018-6 / 58.00

周鸿祎作为*知名的产品经理之一,一手打造了众多国民级的产品。他关于打造爆款的理念,比如刚需、高频、“小白”思维等,已成为网络热词而被广泛接受。 本书是周鸿祎首次系统总结其20年产品经理的心得,不仅将以往的理念进行总结、归纳,而且在与包括各方面创业者、产品经理的碰撞后,将其观念进一步升华,成为迄今为止首部将其产品理念倾囊相授的作品。一起来看看 《极致产品》 这本书的介绍吧!





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