
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

We are standardizing OpenAI’s deep learning framework on PyTorch . In the past, we implemented projects in many frameworks depending on their relative strengths. We’ve now chosen to standardize to make it easier for our team to create and share optimized implementations of our models.


As part of this move, we’ve just released a PyTorch-enabled version of Spinning Up in Deep RL , an open-source educational resource produced by OpenAI that makes it easier to learn about deep reinforcement learning. We are also in the process of writing PyTorch bindings for our highly-optimizedblocksparse kernels, and will open-source those bindings in upcoming months.

The main reason we chose PyTorch is to increase our research productivity at scale on GPUs. It is very easy to try and execute new research ideas in PyTorch; for example, switching to PyTorch decreased our iteration time on research ideas in generative modeling from weeks to days. We’re also excited to be joining a rapidly-growing developer community, including organizations like Facebook and Microsoft, in pushing scale and performance on GPUs.

Going forward we'll primarily use PyTorch as our deep learning framework but sometimes use other ones when there's a specific technical reason to do so. Many of our teams have already made the switch, and we look forward to contributing to the PyTorch community in upcoming months.

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杰伦•拉尼尔 (Jaron Lanier) / 李龙泉、祝朝伟 / 中信出版社 / 2014-5-1 / CNY 65.00

在《互联网冲击》一书中,关于网络技术对经济造成的影响,作者进行了卓有远见的预测。拉尼尔断言,数字网络的崛起会造成我们经济的衰退,并且摧毁中产阶级。如今,科技已经征服了一个又一个行业——从媒体到医药业,再到制造业。我们的就业形势和个人财富都将面临更加严峻的挑战。  但还有另外一种方法,能够让科技掌握我们的未来。在本书中,作者不仅展现了他的雄心壮志,而且也处处体现着他的人文关怀。拉尼尔指明了一条新信息......一起来看看 《互联网冲击》 这本书的介绍吧!



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