Brass Golem Beta 0.22.1

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:In case you missed it, just two weeks ago we released Brass Golem 0.22 and with it, launched the Concent Service and the usage-based marketplace to mainnet and our new Task API to testnet.Today we’re launching a minor patch release - Brass Golem Beta 0.22.

In case you missed it, just two weeks ago we released Brass Golem 0.22 and with it, launched the Concent Service and the usage-based marketplace to mainnet and our new Task API to testnet.

Today we’re launching a minor patch release - Brass Golem Beta 0.22.1 addressing the most important issues identified in the last production version. Those issues were chiefly reported by our users and we’d like to thank all involved in constantly making Golem a better product!

For those of you interested in a detailed list of fixes and improvements included, please have a look at the full changelog .

As usual in such cases, we wholeheartedly encourage you to grab the update and share any and all feedback - pertaining to both Golem itself and to any of our newly-introduced pieces of functionality - with us on chat , reddit and over email .

Here’s what to do if you want to upgrade:

Upgrading to Brass Golem Beta 0.22.1


Download and execute the installer from our release server. .

Please be aware that since version 0.19+, Brass Golem uses Docker for Windows. Docker for Windows comes with a new type of virtualization support: Hyper-V (Windows Server Virtualization) in place of the old Docker Toolbox.

If you are using any other virtualization software (for eg. Docker Toolbox, VMware), do not install Hyper-V as this could potentially impact performance.

Also, if you are a Windows 10 Home user you will not be able to install Hyper-V as it's not supported on this version of Windows. Fortunately, we have kept Docker Toolbox support in this case. The only downside is that you will have to install Docker Toolbox manually ( available here ) because it's no longer part of our installation package. You’ll find more detailed Golem+Docker Toolbox installation instructions in our docs .

If you encounter any problems with Hyper-V you can still uninstall it, and try to run Golem with Docker Toolbox.

If any errors occur during any process, please let us know in the testers channel at or write an email to (make sure to include “Error” in the subject field so we can catch it quickly).

Please have a look at our Windows 10 installation tutorial on YouTube:

Download the Linux installation script . In terminal, run:

chmod +x && ./

To upgrade Golem, type commands below to update Golem:

brew upgrade golem
brew cask upgrade golem
brew unlink golem
brew unlink hyperg
brew link golem
brew link hyperg

With those simple steps in place, you should be running the latest release of Golem for macOS.

Please have a look at our Mac OS installation tutorial on YouTube:

Important! Before you run Golem make sure to be running Docker for Mac:

Cmd + space bar, type Docker and hit enter.

Confirm that Docker is running properly. If you encounter any issues with Docker for Mac please follow instructions on Docker for Mac github .

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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