内容简介:This essay received an Honourable Mention in the undergraduate category of the Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics.Written by University of Oxford student, Mahmoud GhanemIn the interest of rigour, I will avoid use of the phrase “Artificial Intelligence
This essay received an Honourable Mention in the undergraduate category of the Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics.
Written by University of Oxford student, Mahmoud Ghanem
The Case For Computer Assisted Ethics
In the interest of rigour, I will avoid use of the phrase “Artificial Intelligence”, though many of the techniques I will discuss, namely statistical inference and automated theorem proving underpin most of what is described as “AI” today.
Whether we believe that the goal of moral actions ought to be to form good habits, to maximise some quality in the world, to follow the example of certain role models, or to adhere to some set of rules or guiding principles, a good case for consulting a well designed computer program in the process of making our moral decisions can be made. After all, the process of carrying out each of the above successfully at least requires:
(1) Access to relevant and accurate data, and
(2) The ability to draw accurate conclusions by analysing such data.
Both of which are things that computers are very good at.
To make a case otherwise is to claim one of two things: either that humans have access to morally relevant data, which is in some way fundamentally inaccessible to computers, or that humans can engage in a kind of moral reasoning which is fundamentally uncomputable. I will address these two points before moving on to a suggestion of what such a computer program may look like. Finally, I will address the idea that consulting computers will make us morally lazy, by showing how a well designed program ought to, in fact, achieve the opposite.
Read more at blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk
The views, opinions and positions expressed by these authors and blogs are theirs and do not necessarily represent that of the Bioethics Research Library and Kennedy Institute of Ethics or Georgetown University.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《We should take moral advice from computers and not the other way around》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
方兴东、刘伟 / 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 / 2015-1 / 45.00
十几年来,方兴东与马云每年一次,老友聚首,开怀畅谈,阿里上市前,作者再次与马云深度对话,阿里上市前的布局,深入探讨了一系列人们关心的话题。 本书忠实记录了阿里壮大、马云封圣的历史。作者通过细致梳理和盘点,对阿里巴巴的15年成长史进行了忠实回顾。从海博翻译社到淘宝网,从淘宝商城到天猫,从支付宝到阿里云计算,从拉来软银的第一笔投资到纽交所上市,作者对其中涉及到的人物、细节都有生动展现;对于马云、......一起来看看 《阿里巴巴正传:我们与马云的“一步之遥”》 这本书的介绍吧!