内容简介:While the C++20 Standard is still being finalised and polished, we know all of its core features. At first, the new specification of the language might sound complex and overwhelming. That’s why, if you want to have an overview of the core elements and get
While the C++20 Standard is still being finalised and polished, we know all of its core features. At first, the new specification of the language might sound complex and overwhelming. That’s why, if you want to have an overview of the core elements and get the bigger picture, you can have a look at my new reference card.
Want your own copy to print?
If you like, I prepared PDF which packs both language and the Standard Library features. Each item has a short description and an example if possible.
Here’s what the text covers:
<=> char8_t explicit(bool) constexpr consteval constinit std::format std::span
Special thanks to the CppPolska team , Andrzej Krzemienski ( akrzemi1 ), Łukasz R., Yehezkel B. and many others from my mailing list - for valuable feedback about the features, typos and other improvements.
All of the existing subscribers of my mailing list have already got the new document, so If you want to download it just subscribe here:
Download a free copy of C++20 Ref Card!
Please notice that along with the new ref card you’ll also get C++17 language reference card that I initially published three years ago. With this “package” you’ll quickly learn about all of the latest parts that Modern C++ acquired over the last few years.
Let’s now go through some of the core parts of C++20.
Language Features
Constrains on the template parameters and meaningful compiler messages in a case on an error. Can also reduce the compilation time.
template <class T> concept SignedIntegral = std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_signed_v<T>; template <SignedIntegral T> // no SFINAE here! void signedIntsOnly(T val) { }
Also with terse syntax:
void floatsOnly(std::floating_point auto fp) { }
(constrained auto
The replacement of the header files! With modules, you can divide your program into logical parts.
import helloworld; // contains the hello() function int main() { hello(); // imported from the “helloworld” module! }
Designated Initializers
Explicit member names in the initializer expression:
struct S { int a; int b; int c; }; S test {.a = 1, .b = 10, .c = 2};
Range-based for with initialiser
Create another variable in the scope of the for loop:
for (int i = 0; const auto& x : get_collection()) { doSomething(x, i); ++i; }
[[likely]] [[unlikely]] [[no_unique_address]] [[nodiscard]] [[nodiscard("with message")]] [[nodiscard]]
A new keyword that specifies an immediate function – functions that produce constant values, at compile time only. In contrast to constexpr
function, they cannot be called at runtime.
consteval int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } constexpr int r = add(100, 300);
Plus many more like coroutines, constinit, CTAD updates and more!
Library Features
Python-like formatting library in the Standard Library!
auto s = std::format("{:-^5}, {:-<5}", 7, 9);
’s` has a value of “–7–, 9—-” centred, and then left aligned
Also supports the Chrono library and can print dates.
A radical change in how we work with collections! Rather than use two iterators, we can work with a sequence represented by a single object.
std::vector v { 2, 8, 4, 1, 9, 3, 7, 5, 4 }; std::ranges::sort(v); for (auto& i: v | ranges:view::reverse) cout << i;
With Ranges, we also get new algorithms, views and adapters.
A non-owning contiguous sequence of elements. Unlike string_view, span is mutable and can change the elements that it points to.
vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4}; span<int> spanVec (vec); for(auto && v : spanVec) v *= v;
Joining thread, semaphores, latches and barriers, Chrono library updates with calendar and timezones, source_location
, erase
/ erase_if
container functions, and many more!
I hope with this concise reference card it will be easier to understand the scope of the new Standard.
Do you like the new features of C++20? What’s your favourite part? Let us know in comments.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《C++20 Reference Card》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
于航 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-11 / 128.00元
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