A Tour of Standard ML

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Welcome to a tour of the Standard ML programming language!Standard ML is a general purpose functional programming language. It is statically typed, which prevents a wide array of common programming errors, but also features powerful type inference, requiri


Welcome to a tour of the Standard ML programming language!

What is Standard ML?

Standard ML is a general purpose functional programming language. It is statically typed, which prevents a wide array of common programming errors, but also features powerful type inference, requiring few type declarations, if any. This makes it easy to build software that is easy to understand, extensible, and reliable.

There are free, full-program optimising compilers for it, producing efficient native code, such as MLton . The concurrency extension ‘Concurrent ML’ provides support for communicating sequential processes , and is supported by SML/NJ and MLton.

The Tour

The tour consists of a set of chapters, each intended to showcase different features of Standard ML. There are examples included in the Tour of Standard ML repository . You may view the table of contents by via the ‘Table of Contents’ menu at the top of the screen, and go to the next page by clicking the right arrow.

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[印] 纳拉辛哈·卡鲁曼希(Narasimha Karumanchi) / 爱飞翔 / 机械工业出版社 / 2018-2-27 / 99

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