webkubectl - Run kubectl command in Web Browser.

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

中文 README.md

Web Kubectl - Run kubectl command in web browser

webkubectl - Run kubectl command in Web Browser.


Web Kubectl helps you to manage kubernetes credentials and run kubectl command in web browser, so that you don't have to install kubectl on your local PC or some other servers, furthermore Web Kubectl can be used for a team.


  • Support multiple user and multiple Kubernetes clusters :One deployment of Web Kubectl can be used for a team, all of the team members can use Web Kubectl simultaneously although they are connecting different Kubernetes clusters or different privileges.
  • Session isolation :All of the online sessions are isolated, each session has its own namespace and storage which is invisible to the others.
  • Support kubeconfig file and bearer token :You can provide kubeconfig file or bearer token to connect Kubernetes cluster through Web Kubectl.
  • Easy to use and integrate :You can simply use the index page for a quick start, or integrate with your application using api.
  • Manage Kubernetes clusters in VPC :Through Web Kubectl you can manage the Kubernetes clusters in VPC which is unreachable from you laptop.
|   Local Network     |          DMZ           |      VPC/Datacenter  |
|                     |                        |                      |
|                     |    _______________     |   ----------------   |
|   ---------------   |    |             |  /~~~~~>| Kubernetes A |   |
|   | Your Laptop |~~~~~~~>| Web Kubectl | /   |   ----------------   |
|   ---------------   |    |             | \   |                      |
|                     |    ---------------  \  |   ----------------   |
|                     |                      \~~~~>| Kubernetes B |   |
|                     |                        |   ----------------   |


Web Kubectl use webkubectl/gotty to run a JavaScript based terminal on web browsers.

When opens a new session, a temporary Linux namespace will be created for the session, this make sure all sessions are isolated, each session has its own namespace and storage, meanwhile .kube/config file is generated for current session.

When session terminated, the provisioned namespace and storage are deleted.


$ docker run --name="webkubectl" -p 8080:8080 -d --privileged kubeoperator/webkubectl

Advanced environment variables

ENV Type Default Value Description
SESSION_STORAGE_SIZE string 10M Storage size limit for single connection
KUBECTL_INSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY bool true whether to skip tls verify
GOTTY_OPTIONS string --port 8080 --permit-write --permit-arguments Gotty options, see more
WELCOME_BANNER string Welcome to Web Kubectl, try kubectl --help. Welcome banner after web terminal opened


Use index page

Open below url in web browser.


In the opened page you can manage your own kubeconfig files or bearer tokens which are stored in local storage, then choose a session and click connect to use kubectl command in web terminal.

webkubectl - Run kubectl command in Web Browser.

webkubectl - Run kubectl command in Web Browser.


Get token by Kubernetes API server address and bearer token

$ curl http://<webkubectl-address>:<port>/api/kube-token -X POST -d '{"name":"gks-hk-dev","apiServer":"https://k8s-cluster:6443","token":"token-content"}'
$ {"success":true,"token":"mkolj4hgbutfgy1thgp1","message":""}

Request Json

key Type Description
name string session name
apiServer string API server address
token string Kubernetes bearer token

Response Json

key Type Description
success bool the request is proceeded successfully or not
token string token used to open terminal
message string error message if success is false

Get token by kubeconfig file

$ curl http://<webkubectl-address>:<port>/api/kube-config -X POST -d '{"name":"k8s-cluster-bj1","kubeConfig":"<kubeconfig file content base64 encoded>"}'
$ {"success":true,"token":"mkolj4hgbutfgy1thgp1","message":""}

Request Json

key Type Description
name string session name
kubeConfig string kubeconfig file content base64 encoded

Response Json

key Type Description
success bool the request is proceeded successfully or not
token string token used to open terminal
message string error message if success is false

Open web terminal with token fetched from API

http://<webkubectl-address>:<port>/terminal/?token=<token fetched from api>


  • Token validation :The token fetched from api will be invalid immediately after it's used once, and it expires after 5 minutes if not used.
  • Authentication :By default all resources can be accessed without any authentication, to restrict anonymous access, you can enable the basic authentication of gotty, see how to .
  • SSL/TLS :By default all traffic between the server and clients are NOT encrypted, we recommend you enable SSL/TLS option of gotty, see how to . Alternatively you can deploy Web Kubectl behind a proxy and enable SSL/TLS for the proxy, please note that the proxy should support WebSocket protocol.




Copyright (c) 2014-2019 FIT2CLOUD 飞致云


Web Kubectl is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.




KubeOperator is an open source project, a web based application enable you to deploy and manage production ready Kubernetes clusters on VMware, Openstack, virtual machines and physical machines in LAN network without internet connectivity.



以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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