内容简介:HTML compilation and component utility functions for a framework free or framework light UI.Core Libaray: 20.1K rawHTML Compiler eXtensions (HCX) flips JSX on its head. Rather than make JavaScript handle HTML, HCX makes HTML handle JavaScript more directly
HTML compilation and component utility functions for a framework free or framework light UI.
Core Libaray: 20.1K raw
1) ES 2017 - 20.1K raw, 11.8K terser compress, 4k gzip 2) ES 2015 - 36.7K raw, 15.7K terser compress, 5k gzip
HTML Compiler eXtensions (HCX) flips JSX on its head. Rather than make JavaScript handle HTML, HCX makes HTML handle JavaScript more directly.
HCX extends JavaScript template literal
notation, i.e. ${ ... javascript }
, into HTML itself.
HCX provides utility functions you can wrap around existing components or plain old HTMLElement DOM nodes to bind forms to models and event handlers to anything you can select via CSS.
HCX generally eliminates the need for control flow attribute directives. However, h-foreach
, h-forvalues
, h-forentries
, h-forkeys
are directly supported
and custom directives can be added.
HCX compeletely eliminates the need for content replacement directives like VUE's v-text
. You just reference reactive data directly in your HTML, e.g.
instead of <div v-text="message"></div>
just use <div>${message}</div>
. This also means that the VUE filter syntax is un-neccesary, e.g.
instead of <span v-text="message | capitalize"></span>
use <span>${message.toUpperCase()}</span>
or even the new JavaScript pipe operator when it becomes
available <span>${message |> capitalize}</span>
HCX supports industry standard Custom HTML Elements . In fact, you can turn any HTMLElement DOM node into a Custom HTML Element.
HCX includes two custom elements: <hcx-include-element>
and <hcx-router>
. The router can target any DOM node as a destination and sources its content from
any other DOM node as well as use a RegExp for pattern matching routes. There can be multiple routers on the same page. In fact, multiple routers
can respond to the same hashchange
events. You can even have a routeless router, , which will replace its own content with
that of the DOM node having an id that matches the new location hash for a document.
HCX does not use a virtual DOM, it's dependency tracker laser targets just those nodes that need updates. No work has yet been done on rendering optimization, but 60Hz (which is adequate for most applications) should be achievable.
There is no build environment/pre-compilation required.
It is hard to find really good full stack developers, let alone ones with UI design skills. And, translating Photoshop designs or even HTML with CSS over to frameworks with the use of JSX or other mechanisms results in cognitive disconnects, time lags, and missed expectations.
HCX allows designers express a UI as HTML and CSS at whatever micro, macro, or monolithic scale they wish and then hand-off to programmers to layer in functionality. Designers can continue to adjust much of the HTML while programmers are at work. For designers that wish to code, HCX also makes the transition into bits and pieces of JavaScript easier than moving into a full build/code oriented environment.
HCX is a successor to TLX, Template Literal Extensions. It is simpler to use, slightly smaller, and more flexible. It is also far smaller and we think simpler and more flexible than a buch of other options out there.
HCX lets you set debugger
points directly in your HTML template literals for WYSYWIG debugging.
At the moment, you must use HCX via a JavaScript module. As we approach a production ready implementation, a Webpack/Babel processed dist
will be available. HCX curently runs in the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
npm install hcx
If you don't want to copy files out of node_modules/hcx
and are using Express, try modulastic
to expose the hcx files directly.
Partial documentation exists below. Also see the examples/messy-closet.hml
file to see how to use specific functions.
More documentation coming ...
Basic Use
In the most simple case, a document body can be bound to a model and rendered:
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{message:"Hello World!"})(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div>${message}</div> </body> </html>
Sub-nodes and attributes can also be targetted:
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { const el = document.getElementById("themessage"); hcx.compile(el,{message:"Hello World!",date:new Date()})(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="themessage" date="${date}">${message}</div> </body> </html>
Boolean Attributes
Boolean attributes are handled by attributes of the same name prefixed by a :
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{box1:true,box2:false})(); }); </script> </head> <body> Box1: <input type="checkbox" :checked="${box1}"> Box2: <input type="checkbox" :checked="${box2}"> </body> </html>
Basic Components
A component is any function that returns an HTMLElement. You can roll your own or use the hcx
string template literal parser for
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> const Table = ({header="",headings=[],rows=[]}) => { // a table that adjusts to its headings and rows const cols = Math.max(headings.length,rows.reduce((accum,row) => accum = Math.max(accum,row.length),0)); rows = rows.map((row) => row.length<cols ? row.slice().concat(new Array(cols-row.length)) : row); // pad rows return hcx` <table> ${header ? `<thead id="header"><tr><th colspan="${cols}">${header}</th></tr></thead>` : ''} ${headings.length>0 ? `<thead><tr>${headings.reduce((accum,heading) => accum += `<th>${heading}</th>`,"")}</tr></thead>` : ''} ${rows.length>0 ? `<tbody>${rows.reduce((accum,row) => accum += `<tr>${row.reduce((accum,value) => accum += `<td>${value==null ? '' : value}</td>`,"")}</tr>`,"")} </tbody>` : ''} </table>` }; window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{ tableConfig:{ header:"My Table",rows:[["a","b","c"],["d","e","f"] }, Table })(); }); </script> </head> <body> ${Table(tableConfig)} </body> </html>
My Table | ||
a | b | c |
d | e | f |
Including Logic
Arbitrarily complex JavaScript logic can be included by enclosing the script in a special comment starting with <!--hcx
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{message:"Hello World!"})(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div> <!--hcx ${ `<ul> ${ ["jack","jane","john"].reduce((accum,item) => { accum += `<li>${item}</li>`; return accum; },"") } </ul>` } </div> --> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{message:"Hello World!"})(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div> <!--hcx ${ `<ul> ${ ["jack","jane","john"].reduce((accum,item) => { debugger; accum += `<li>${item}</li>`; return accum; },"") } </ul>` } </div> --> </body> </html>
Any HTML can be made reactive by passing in a reactor:
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { const reactive = hcx.reactor({message:"Wait for it ...."}); hcx.compile(document.body,reactive)(); setTimeout(() => reactive.message="Hello World!",2000); }); </script> </head> <body> <div>${message}</div> </body> </html>
You can also implement a counter with an on:click
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { const reactive = hcx.reactor({count:0}); hcx.compile(document.body,reactive)(); }); </script> </head> <body> <button on:click="${count++}">Click Count:${count}</button> </body> </html>
If you do not need to access the reactor ourside the context of the HTML, you can use a shorthand:
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { hcx.compile(document.body,{count:0},{reactive:true)(); }); </script> </head> <body> <button on:click="${count++}">Click Count:${count}</button> </body> </html>
Regular 'on...' attributes can also be used (although they may result in a console warning about an unexpected '{' token):
<html> <head> <script type="module" src="../index.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => { const reactive = hcx.reactor({count:0}); hcx.compile(document.body,reactive)(); }); </script> </head> <body> <button onclick="${count++}">Click Count:${count}</button> </body> </html>
Attribute Directives
Custom Directives
Core Custom Elements
<hcx-include-element for="<css selector>">
<hcx-router [path="<string or RegExp>" [, target="<css selector>" [, to="<css selector for content>"]]]>
Routeless Routing
If you just put <hcx-router></hcx-router>
on a page, then every time the hash on the page changes the content
inside the router tag will be updated with the content from the DOM node (usually a <template>
) with the same
id as the hash. Routing could not get any simpler!
Targeted Routing
If you add a CSS selector as a value to the target
attribute, the content of the elements matching the selector will
be replaced. You can target multiple elements at the same time with a loose selector! By default, the
target is the router itself.
Selective Routing
If you specify a value for path
, then it will be used to match against the new hash without the #
. If the path
can be converted into a RegExp, that will be used to broaded the match.
Route Content
If you specificy a CSS selector for the to
attribute, the content of the first element matching the selector will be
used as the content for the target area.
Multiple Routes
You can put multiple routes on the same page. This can be used to match route tags like VUE router-links, e.g.:
<hcx-router path="path1" target="#app" to="#pathonecontent"></hcx-router> <hcx-router path="path2" target="#app" to="#pathtwocontent"></hcx-router>
Functional Routes
You can add an event listener to a route:
const router = document.querySelector(<route css selector>); router.addEventListener("route",(event) => { // if you make this async, event.preventDefault() will not work const {selector,targets} = event; // event.preventDefault(); // call this if your event handler actually does the routing // selector = css selector to get content based on route defition // targets = the DOM elements to update based on route definition ... some logic, perhaps to retrieve remote content });
There has been limited testing or focus on optimization.
Release History (Reverse Chronological Order)
2020-01-27 v0.0.05 ALPHA - Documentation updates
2020-01-27 v0.0.04 ALPHA - Documentation updates
2020-01-27 v0.0.03 ALPHA - Added routeless router and model exports upon creation
2020-01-27 v0.0.02 ALPHA - Added <hcx-include-element>
and <hcx-router>
. Various bug fixes.
2020-01-24 v0.0.01 ALPHA - Initial release
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Usability for the Web
Tom Brinck、Darren Gergle、Scott D. Wood / Morgan Kaufmann / 2001-10-15 / USD 65.95
Every stage in the design of a new web site is an opportunity to meet or miss deadlines and budgetary goals. Every stage is an opportunity to boost or undercut the site's usability. Thi......一起来看看 《Usability for the Web》 这本书的介绍吧!