内容简介:When you have projects depend on each other. You have to build core first, then the project depends on it and so on. You probably want this step to be automated so you can use:This project is licensed under the
Package Sorter
A function used for monorepos production build.
When you have projects depend on each other. You have to build core first, then
the project depends on it and so on. You probably want this step to be automated
so you can use: package-sorter(unsortedPackages, coreDependency)
npm install package-sorter
import packageSorter from "package-sorter"; // packages in your monorepo: const pkg0 = { name: "@folo/withcontext", dependencies: {} }; const pkg1 = { name: "@folo/values", dependencies: { "@folo/withcontext": "^0.1.5" } }; const pkg2 = { name: "@folo/utils", dependencies: {} }; const pkg3 = { name: "@folo/layout", dependencies: { "@folo/withcontext": "^0.1.5" } }; const pkg4 = { name: "@folo/forms", dependencies: { "@folo/layout": "^0.1.4", "@folo/values": "^0.1.4" } }; const unsortedPackages = [pkg1, pkg2, pkg3, pkg0, pkg4]; // our core dependency in this case is: @folo. const sorted = sortPackages(unsortedPackages, "@folo"); //=> [pkg2, pkg0, pkg1, pkg4, pkg3]
npm test
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
贾真 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-5 / 49.8
《淘宝天猫店是如何运营的——网店从0到千万实操手册》是由天猫行业Top10卖家、电商圈知名讲师贾真写就的一本运营干货书籍。《淘宝天猫店是如何运营的——网店从0到千万实操手册》的最大卖点就是作者把自己运营店铺的经验系统地总结出来,把碎片化的“干货”形成一个系统的知识体系。句句易懂,读后受益! 现在网上能看到的电商经验,大多是碎片化知识,零散不成体系,其实很难系统地给卖家提供帮助。《淘宝天猫店是......一起来看看 《淘宝天猫店是如何运营的》 这本书的介绍吧!