GetFlutter is a 100% Free Flutter open-source UI library that is built to make flutter development easier and joyful than ever. GetFlutter has 1000+ pre-build widgets that you could reuse to build both Flutter mobile app and web app development. Our motto to provide the best Flutter UI library to Flutter community to speed up their development process and build awesome apps with pre-build Flutter Library Components.
Table of contents
Quick start
Read the Getting started page Forum Support and discussion
In this beta release we are going to launch the library with following components :
Button | Badge | Avatar | Image | Card | Carousel | Tile | Tab | Typography
Play Store
IOS Store and Web Demo
Coming Soon
GetFlutter is 100% free and open source . We encourage and support an active, healthy community that accepts contributions from the public – including you. There are couple of ways in which you can contribute to the growing community of getflutter
- Pick up any issue marked with "good first issue"
- Fix a bug
- Write and improve some documentation . Documentation is very critical to us. We would like to if you can support to add support in multiple language for our docs.
- If you are a developer, feel free to check out the source and submit pull requests.
- Dig into CONTRIBUTING.MD , which covers submitting bugs, requesting new features, preparing your code for a pull request, etc.
- Please don't forget to like , follow , and star our repo ! Join our growing community to keep up to date with the latest Get Flutter development.
- Not sure what to work on? We've got lots ideas.
[ NOTE ] Our library will also work on flutter web but since flutter didn't released stable version for Flutter web and it is still in Beta release so you might get some rendering problem and hence we will update our library as flutter comes with the stable release for Flutter Web.
Social Media
Code and documentation copyright 2017-2020 the GETFLUTTER Authors and IONICFIREBASEAPP Code released under the [MIT License]. Docs released under Creative Commons .
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Head First Design Patterns—深入淺出設計模式
寫應用程式時需要依照需求預先規劃、設計,而設計模式累積了前人的經歷,經由四人幫彙整出一系列的設計模式,以利後人可以套用。本書集合四人幫的23個模式(十幾年前的事)外加這十幾年來新增的一些模式,作者群以詼諧、幽默、圖文並茂、打破傳統著書的方式,由淺入深地詳解了設計模式的精神及重點。全書全部以當紅的 Java 程式語言為範例。 本書特點: * 全世界第二本書......一起来看看 《Head First Design Patterns—深入淺出設計模式》 这本书的介绍吧!