Create Animated Images Using Python

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:No Photoshop? Not a problem! Learn how to easily create animated images from a list of static images or a video in Python.Animated images are a series of static images that are automatically played to show related content in a continuous and dynamic fashio

No Photoshop? Not a problem! Learn how to easily create animated images from a list of static images or a video in Python.

Draft ·7min read


Animated images are a series of static images that are automatically played to show related content in a continuous and dynamic fashion, with the advantage of having a smaller size than videos. In addition, many web and mobile applications support animated images just like regular static images, and they don’t always allow you to upload videos. In this case, animated images can be very useful. Certainly, there are many other reasons why animated images are preferred. Sometimes, it’s just pure fun to put related or unrelated images together.

There are some online websites, desktop software, and command-line tools that can be used to create animated images. However, they’re not “pythonic” by the standard. Since many of us have been using Python more or less for various purposes, we have developed familiarity with the syntax and usage of certain built-in and third-party libraries. I thought it would be handy if we know how to create animated images using Python. Thus, in this article, I would like to share with you the steps to make animated images in Python, with the assumption that you have adequate experience working with Python.

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保罗·X.麦卡锡 / 王正林 / 中信出版社 / 2018-3-1 / CNY 59.00

作者在书中提出一个全新的概念“网络引力”。我们全都受网络引力的影响,这种强大的力量正推动着数字经济前行。网络引力催生了像行星那样巨大的公司,它们以闪电般的速度击垮竞争对手,并且正在改变着商业、工作和娱乐休闲的面貌。作者在向读者展示这种令人震惊的现象的同时,还介绍了一系列独特的规则及其巨大力量,我们可以充分利用它们来创造属于自己的成功。这是在日益数字化的世界中为你赢得美好未来的一部理性指南,是一部互......一起来看看 《引力》 这本书的介绍吧!



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