内容简介:I have good news for you.As you remember, we already talked about diffing in
SwiftUI provides us a very fast and easy to use diffing algorithm, but as you might know, diffing is a linear operation. It means that diffing will be very fast for simple layouts and can take some time for a complicated layout.
I have good news for you. SwiftUI allows us to replace the standalone diffing algorithm with our custom logic. This week we will talk about optimizing our SwiftUI layouts using the equatable modifier.
Diffing in SwiftUI
As you remember, we already talked about diffing in SwiftUI , but let me remind how it works. Whenever you change the source of truth for your views like @State or @ObservableObject , SwiftUI runs body property of your view to generate a new one. As the last step, SwiftUI renders a new view if something changed. The process of calculating a new body depends on how deep is your view hierarchy. Happily, we can replace SwiftUI diffing with our simplified version whenever we know the better way to determine changes.
To learn more about diffing, take a look at “You have to change mindset to use SwiftUI” post .
Sometimes we don’t need the true diffing of SwiftUI , or we want to ignore some changes in data, and this is the exact place where we can use the EquatableView struct. EquatableView struct is a wrapper for a View , and it also conforms to View protocol. All you need to do to use EquatableView is conforming your view to Equatable protocol. Let’s take a simple look at a good example.
struct CalendarView: View, Equatable { let sleeps: [Date: [Sleep]] let dates: [Date] var body: some View { List { ForEach(dates, id: \.self) { date in Section(header: Text("\(date, formatter: DateFormatter.mediumDate)")) { ForEach(self.sleeps[date, default: []], id: \.id) { sleep in CalendarRow(sleep: sleep) } } } }.listStyle(GroupedListStyle()) } }
In the example above, you see the code from my NapBot app. It is a calendar view that represents your sleep per day. I decide to replace SwiftUI diffing with my own by adding Equatable conformance. As you can see, it is a straightforward process. You can go further by overriding == function and adding your custom logic there.
struct CalendarView: View, Equatable { static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { lhs.sleeps.count == rhs.sleeps.count } }
Now we can wrap our CalendarView with EquatableView .
Remember, you have to wrap your view with EquatableView to replace standalone diffing with yours.
struct CalendarContainerView: View { @EnvironmentObject var store: CalendarStore var body: some View { EquatableView( CalendarView( sleeps: store.sleeps, dates: store.dates ) ).onAppear(perform: store.fetch) } }
equatable modifier
SwiftUI allows us to avoid wrapping with EquatableView by using an equatable modifier. Basically, it does the same thing but in a short way.
struct CalendarContainerView: View { @EnvironmentObject var store: CalendarStore var body: some View { CalendarView(sleeps: store.sleeps, dates: store.dates) .equatable() .onAppear(perform: store.fetch) } }
Container views and equatable rendering views
It is so easy to add Equatable conformance to your view when it only renders some data. You even don’t need to override == function . You can quickly achieve this behavior by extracting your views into Container and Rendering views. We already talked multiple times on my blog about Container and Rendering views. Rendering views simply take some data and render it. That’s it.
Rendering views should not contain any logic or state manipulations, and it should delegate them to Container views. This separation allows you to make your Rendering views conforming Equatable in an effortless way.
To learn more about Container and Rendering views , take a look at my “Introducing Container views in SwiftUI” post .
SwiftUI allows us to build our apps in a very new way, where the framework itself applies a lot of magic behind the scene. But I’m delighted that SwiftUI provides so many capabilities to customize default behavior. I hope you enjoy the post. Feel free to follow me on Twitter and ask your questions related to this post. Thanks for reading, and see you next week!
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[英]查尔斯·汉迪(Charles Handy) / 苗青 / 机械工业出版社 / 2017-6 / 49.00
S型曲线是每个组织和企业在预测未来时一定会参考的工具,一切事物的发展都逃不开S型曲线(“第一曲线”)。 然而,从公司组织、企业治理、市场的变化,到个人职业发展、社会人际关系以及未来的教育与社会价值,多维度地探讨这个世界需要重新以不同的角度来思考问题,不能够总是停留在“第一曲线”的世界。 如果组织和企业能在第一曲线到达巅峰之前,找到带领企业二次腾飞的“第二曲线”,并且第二曲线必须在第一曲......一起来看看 《第二曲线:跨越“S型曲线”的二次增长》 这本书的介绍吧!