内容简介:A common theme of these discussions is what a “fully-managed database service” actually means in real terms?Our latestsolution brief addresses this issue, comparing the “fully managed” offerings of
Our Solutions Engineers spend a significant amount of time talking to customers who are deployed in a DBaaS environment, or who are considering moving to DBaaS.
A common theme of these discussions is what a “fully-managed database service” actually means in real terms?
Our latestsolution brief addresses this issue, comparing the “fully managed” offerings of Percona Managed Database Services (PMDS) and Amazon Aurora.
Selecting the most suitable database technologies and cloud providers to achieve business success is crucial. Businesses are looking for the best database solutions at the right prices. But, having so many options available can be confusing.
To make things clearer, we examine the key differences between Percona Managed Database Services (PMDS) and Amazon Aurora in various areas, including:
- Operational functions
- Application and performance
- Architecture and design
- Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Cost comparison
To help you make the right choices, we also discuss:
- The operational functions that you still need to cover when moving to DBaaS
- Why DBaaS does not automatically solve your performance and architecture issues
- How detailed is the monitoring provided by DBaaS?
- Does DBaaS cover troubleshooting outages and issues?
- When and how you can reduce costs with alternative solutions.
- Which tasks you should retain responsibility for, to get the best possible performance from your data?
Read oursolution brief to find out how you can make the right fully-managed database decision for your business, and how working with Percona can make a difference.
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陶辉 / 机械工业出版社 / 2016-2 / 99.00元
本书致力于说明开发Nginx模块的必备知识,第1版发行以后,深受广大读者的喜爱.然而由于Ng,nx功能繁多且性能强大,以致必须了解的基本技能也很庞杂,而第1版成书匆忙,缺失了几个进阶的技巧描述,因此第2版在此基础上进行了完善。 书中首先通过介绍官方Nginx的基本用法和配置规则,帮助读者了解一般Nginx模块的用法,然后重点介绍了女口何开发HTTP模块(含HTTP过滤模块)来得到定制化的Ng......一起来看看 《深入理解Nginx(第2版)》 这本书的介绍吧!