内容简介:Render every single road in any city at once:The data is fetched from OpenStreetMap using
Render every single road in any city at once: https://anvaka.github.io/city-roads/
How it is made?
The data is fetched from OpenStreetMap using overpass-turbo API . While that API is free (as long as you follow ODbL licenses), it can be rate-limited and sometimes it slow. After all we are downloading thousands of roads within an area!
To improve the performance of download, I indexed ~3,000 cities with populating larger than 100,000 people and stored into a very simple protobuf format. The cities are stored into a cache in this github repository .
The name resolution is done by nominatim - for any query that you type into the search box it returns list of area ids. I check for the area id in my list of cached cities first, and fallback to overpass-turbo if area is not present in cache.
The rendering of the city is limited by the browser and video card memory capacity. I was able to render Seattle roads without a hiccup on a very old samsung phone, though when I tried Tokyo (with 1.4m segments) the phone was very slow.
Selecting area that has millions of roads (e.g. a Washington state) may cause the page to crash even on a powerful device.
Luckily, most of the cities can be rendered without problems, resulting in a beautiful art.
If you like this work and want to use it in your projects - you are more than welcome to do so!
Please let me know how it goes. You can also sponsor my projects here - your funds would be dedicated to more awesome and free data visualizations.
Local development
# install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report
The source code is licensed under MIT license
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[美]詹姆斯·卡斯 / 马小悟、余倩 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013-10 / 35.00元
在这本书中,詹姆斯·卡斯向我们展示了世界上两种类型的「游戏」:「有限的游戏」和「无限的游戏」。 有限的游戏,其目的在于赢得胜利;无限的游戏,却旨在让游戏永远进行下去。有限的游戏在边界内玩,无限的游戏玩的就是边界。有限的游戏具有一个确定的开始和结束,拥有特定的赢家,规则的存在就是为了保证游戏会结束。无限的游戏既没有确定的开始和结束,也没有赢家,它的目的在于将更多的人带入到游戏本身中来,从而延续......一起来看看 《有限与无限的游戏》 这本书的介绍吧!