Automatic Differentiation via Contour Integration

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Automatic Differentiation via Contour IntegrationThere has previously been some back-and-forth among scientists about whether biological networks such as brains might compute derivatives. I have previously made my position on this issue clear:The standard


Automatic Differentiation via Contour Integration


There has previously been some back-and-forth among scientists about whether biological networks such as brains might compute derivatives. I have previously made my position on this issue clear:

The standard counter-argument is that backpropagation isn't biologically plausible but partial derivatives are very useful for closed-loop control so we are faced with a fundamental question we can't ignore. How might large branching structures in the brain and other biological systems compute derivatives?

After some reflection I realised that an important result in complex analysis due to Cauchy, the Cauchy Integral Formula, may be used to compute derivatives with a simple forward propagation of signals using a monte-carlo method. Incidentally, Cauchy also discovered the gradient descent algorithm.

Minimal implementation in the Julia language:

function mc_nabla(f, x::Float64, delta::Float64)

  ## automatic differentiation of holomorphic functions in a single complex variable
  ## applied to real-valued functions in a single variable

  N = round(Int,2*pi/delta)

  ## sample with only half the number of points: 
  sample = rand(1:N,round(Int,N/2)) 
  thetas = sample*delta

  ## collect arguments and rotations: 
  rotations = map(theta -> exp(-im*theta),thetas)
  arguments = x .+ conj.(rotations)  

  ## calculate expectation: 
  expectation = (2.0/N)*real(sum(map(f,arguments).*rotations))

  return expectation


Blog post:

Jupyter Notebook:

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Automatic Differentiation via Contour Integration》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






韦斯 / 机械工业 / 2007-1 / 55.00元

本书是国外数据结构与算法分析方面的标准教材,使用最卓越的Java编程语言作为实现工具讨论了数据结构(组织大量数据的方法)和算法分析(对算法运行时间的估计)。   随着计算机速度的不断增加和功能的日益强大,人们对有效编程和算法分析的要求也在增长。本书把算法分析与最有效率的Java程序的开发有机地结合起来,深入分析每种算法,内容全面、缜密严格,并细致讲解精心构造程序的方法。   第......一起来看看 《数据结构与算法分析》 这本书的介绍吧!

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