Telerik Reporting R1 2020: New and Improved Blazor Report Viewer, Web Report Designer & Cry...

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Check out everything that's new in the R1 2020 release of Telerik Reporting.With R1 2020, we continue the development of the newly released Web-Based Report Designer, introduced a brand new Blazor Report Viewer, extended the Crystal Report Converter capabi

Check out everything that's new in the R1 2020 release of Telerik Reporting.

With R1 2020, we continue the development of the newly released Web-Based Report Designer, introduced a brand new Blazor Report Viewer, extended the Crystal Report Converter capabilities, and added support for Dependency Injection with the .NET Core Web API reporting services.

Improved Web-Based Report Designer

The designer widget enables developers to bring report editing functionality to their end-users right from their web applications.

Some of the improvements include the introduction of an SQL DataSource wizard that supports both editing and creating components, user-friendly table/crosstab initial setup panes, an improved explorer tab that lists all data source fields, and report parameters.  Now the designer has complete support for editing all report item properties within the Properties tab. Also, the properties that support expressions utilize the new ExpressionBuilder editor for easier creation of expression formulas by listing all available built-in functions and operators.

New Report Viewer Component for Blazor

Blazor is the new hot topic in the .NET world, and if you feel curious to try it in a new project that needs reporting, we've got you covered. In this release, we introduce a new report viewer for Blazor, wrapping the flexible HTML5/JS web report viewer that ensures fast and easy preview of reports directly into a Blazor application. This new addition, we empower any web developer to add reporting functionality to the application built with Blazor using a dedicated Blazor component. Of course, the viewer supports our flexible Kendo UI themes to match the look of the Blazor application

Crystal Report Converter V.2

If you experience difficulties with Crystal Reports and you feel that it is time to move to another reporting solution, now you can make it easier. With R1 2020 Telerik Reporting becomes the best Crystal Reports alternative with a newly released converter.

In previous versions, the Telerik Crystal Reports Converter was distributed in two versions – one for Crystal Reports 2008 SP7 (assembly version 10.2.3600.0) or later, and another for Crystal Reports Visual Studio 2010 (assembly version 13.0.2000.0) or later. The Telerik Crystal Reports Converter introduced in R1 2020 release is built against Crystal Reports and the converter for earlier major versions of Crystal Reports is deprecated. The newer version of Crystal reports assemblies provides access to more classes and properties that can be converted to Telerik Reporting items. It adds conversion for data commands with their connections and parameters, summary fields, chart and barcode objects.

If you are still wondering whether Telerik Reporting is the best alternative to Crystal Reports, read more about how Telerik Reporting works as a Crystal Reports alternative

Add Dependency Injection to the Web API Controllers for Core Projects

Following the best practices, in .NET Core both Telerik.WebReportDesigner.Services.Controllers.ReportDesignerControllerBase and Telerik.Reporting.Services.AspNetCore.ReportsControllerBase now rely on dependency injection to resolve their dependencies. 

Learn More and Share Your Feedback

Learn more aboutTelerik Reportingor sign up for afree trialand start playing around today. And don't forget to sign up for the Telerik R1 2020 release webinar on Tuesday, January 21st for a deeper look at all the goodness in the release, where our developer experts will go over everything in detail.

Reserve Your Webinar Seat

Feel free to drop us a comment below sharing your thoughts. Or visit ourFeedback Portaland let us know if you have any suggestions or if you need any particular features.

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